The Spinach Powerhouse

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Spinach, a nutrient powerhouse, can be consumed raw, or cooked. It, however, provides more nutrients when cooked. Do you know that cooking spinach actually increases its health benefits? Just half a cup of cooked spinach will give you thrice the amount of nutrition as one cup of raw spinach. This is because

‘Mind Your Body. Bend Your Mind’

Radhika SHARMA responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Your view on beauty?  Beauty, it is rightly said, is not physicality, or good looks, alone. It is, indeed, a quirk, or fallacy, that we often relate to external beauty as alluring, which it is certainly not. Most folks describe their self-worth based primarily on their outward appearance —

‘Less Is More Medicine’

Dr Reeti YADAV responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor? I was always in awe of doctors, what with the natural respect they have in society, from my childhood. This prompted me to be a doctor. I also realised that being a doctor was the best way to

More Than Skin Deep

Words: Dr Pamela A PAPPAS Our skin is amazing. It’s flaunted, ogled, and tanned within an inch of its life. It’s our body’s largest and heaviest organ, but gets taken for granted until something goes wrong. Still, it releases toxins, keeps our innards warm, juicy and safe, and continuously renews itself. It even finds time

Screen Time Diet: Less Is More

Words: Frank MORAES It seems like we’re attached to our screens more and more. The reason for increased screen time include social media feeds demanding our attention, notifications always buzzing on our phones, and the sheer volume of available content. You may binge-watch the latest episodes of The Patient streaming on Hulu + Live TV,

Ruta: The Great First-Aid Remedy

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV  Ruta graveolens is one of my favourite remedies and creams, because when I need it, it doesn’t disappoint me. I actually had a call to use it recently after twisting my waist too hard in my Latin American dance class. I endured the pain for about a day and then I decided

Ignite The Fire Within You

Words: Nelressa STALLINGS-FAYE A life coach is a professional consultant that provides encouragement and support to people and gives you back the power to be perfectly you. While travelling on your journey in life, we, life coaches, act as a liaison between you and what you would like to accomplish. We are different from any

Prescription For Trouble

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON It is agreed that prescription drugs can be useful — even life-saving — for some people. When used as directed and/or only when absolutely necessary, prescriptions can be a blessing. However, to highlight a major downside, has published some staggering statistics related to the misprescribing, overprescribing, and misuse of

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