Go For Ginkgo Biloba

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Traditional Chinese medicine [TCM] considers the ginkgo leaf as one of its prized medicinal treasures. This tree dates back to the time of the dinosaurs and has been found among fossils over 200 million years old. Its ancestry makes it a mix of a fern and a modern-day tree. Today, there

Colic & Diarrhoea In Babies

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Classical homeopathy, a highly successful and gentle method of healing, was founded over 200 years ago by the legendary German chemist and physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD. This alternative approach to the treatment of acute and chronic health problems is an energy-based therapy founded on the belief that dis-ease can be

Vitiligo: The White Spectre

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Vitiligo [white patches, or leucoderma] is a chronic skin disorder. It causes depigmentation in patches of skin. The disorder occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die, or are unable to function. While less than two per cent of the world’s population suffers from vitiligo, its impact is upsetting

‘Being Fit Is My Mojo’

Dhara KANABAR responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Your view on beauty? Beauty, for me, is something that is all-pervading. It’s also an attribute that cannot be restricted exclusively to societal standards, or norms, viz., external charisma, or allure. Each and every living being, or every non-animate thing, in my view, has some, or the other, form

‘Make a Difference. Everyday’

Dr Neha DHIWARE responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  Probably, because of genetics, to use a platitudinous cliché. My parents are not just doctors, but a team that works in tandem. It’s, therefore, impossible to have dinner table discussions that did not involve medicine — thanks to

Birth Traumata

Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG  The circumstances of delivery have an important impact on our development. Dr Stanislav Grof, MD, PhD, the famous Czech psychiatrist, realised how much the process of delivery influences our life. Difficult deliveries especially shape our body, mind, and soul. I had the chance to observe this in a patient. She got

The Importance Of Local Food

Words: Dr Asit Kumar PANJA Food is one of the three supporting pillars of life. It has a direct impact on our body [dosha, dhatu and mala], senses and mind. This impact relates to origin, growth and development, and also destruction [by causing illness] of the elements supporting life. The goal of taking food is to provide

3 Steps To Beat Anger

Words: Frank MORAES We live a lifestyle that offers us more modern conveniences than ever before. However, these conveniences have made our lives progress at a rapid pace. With that fast pace comes a somewhat hefty price: more stress and a lack of healthy communication. What also comes from this rushed, communication-poor lifestyle is a lot

Millets: Return Of The Native

Words: Paribha VASHIST The most pressing issue today is rural-urban dichotomy, more so with regard to nutritional intake. It is a fact too that urbanisation and globalisation have ruffled the dynamics. Now, the problem of malnutrition pervades all settings — what’s more, market-driven forces seem to only exacerbate the whole issue, from the ground up.

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