Swine Flu: The First Step Is Prevention

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 For the deadly swine flu, there is just one answer — an ounce of prevention is tantamount to a pound of ‘cure.’ Also, remember — the simplest of preventative measures and medicines are, sometimes, the best of cures… You’d take the homoeopathic Influenzinum. Oscillococcinum is another useful remedy. Dosage: as advised by

Ah, That Allergy Again

Words: Dr R J OENBRINK There are three different, also primary, classes of ‘bad’ reaction that are often called ‘allergic reactions.’ There are misconceptions too — which lead to confusion — so, it’s important to clarify a handful of things as to what’s what as it is. They can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening

Creativity: Just Think It Through

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Creativity is the state, or quality, of being creative. It does not necessarily mean anything that is absolutely new. All you need to do is just think it through. Creativity is also a process of finding new ways to combining old ideas — moulding, manoeuvring, and synthesising them with purpose. In

Dealing With ADHD

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR There is substantial evidence to support the view that TV viewing can promote aggressiveness in children. Yet, by way of a paradox, TV viewing may also be beneficial. TV and computer/video games connect children to society, and to deprive your child of access to what other children are engaged in, puts

Swine Flu: Things To Do

Words: Dr Pankaj AGGARWAL Swine flu, or swine influenza, is a respiratory disease caused by the type-A influenza virus [H1N1] strain. The virus  changes and mutates constantly in order to escape the immune system of the animal it infects [pigs]. It can infect the individual/patient’s respiratory tract, resulting in nasal secretions, barking cough, decreased appetite,

Monsoon Illnesses: Prevention Best

Words: Dr Pankaj AGGARWAL Monsoon refreshes every living being, after the sizzling heat of summer. It also brings illnesses, primarily due to its warm, wet and humid climate. Most monsoon illnesses are easily treated, while a few can, at times, be life-threatening. Malaria  This is the most common illness that ‘catches’ you in the rainy

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