Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Words: Drs Amitabh SINGH, Shuchita SINGH & Shivani GARG

Polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS] causes irregular periods. It affects a large number of women globally. The syndrome is marked by hyperandrogenism and menstrual irregularities, etc. The chronic types, when they are untreated, lead to infertility. PCOS is also associated with obesity, hirsutism, fat deposition, etc. Symptoms of PCOS reflect involvement of doshas’ imbalance, primarily kapha and vata, along with avarodha in artavavaha srotas.

Hetu [cause] includes consumption of madhur, amla and lavana rasa. Consumption of snigdha, guru, abhishyandi and sheeta ahara also cause its progression. Other aetiological [causative]  factors, related to dietary habits, include adhyasana, vishamasana, atyashanam, samasana and pramitabhojana, etc. Mithya vihara, which may cause anartav, includes divaswapna, ratrijagarana, vegadharana, avyayama, shoka, chinta and bhaya, etc.

Ayurveda describes several approaches for managing such conditions, including basti therapy, which helps to release obstructions affecting the vata dosha, while regulating the normal function of apana vata and controlling hormonal regulations. Different types of basti therapies used in aartav dusti are as follows:

  • Anuvasana basti utilises oil-based enemas to balance vata dosha
  • Matrabasti uses medicated oils like shatpushpa taila and dasmool taila for relieving PCOS symptoms
  • Niruha basti utilises decoction-based enemas for balancing vata dosha.

Shatpuspa Taila & Dasmool Taila Matra Basti In Anartav

Apana vata is responsible for downward movement in the body, including elimination of waste. Basti aims to normalise apana vata, which can also improve bowel function and help in the proper elimination of waste products. Basti can correct agni dushti, thereby improving digestion and metabolic processes. Basti, when administered via the rectal route, interacts with the mucosal layer of the rectum. This interaction stimulates the enteric nervous system [ENS], which closely resembles the central nervous system [CNS].

This generates stimulatory signals for the CNS, leading to various systemic effects. This stimulation can also lead to the release of endogenous opioids like β-endorphins. These opioids can inhibit the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone [GnRH] in the gastrointestinal tract [GIT], which plays a role in regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary [HPO] axis. This way basti helps in regulating the HPO axis, which is crucial in conditions, like PCOS, associated with hormonal imbalances. Normalisation of the HPO axis can lead to improvement in ovarian and menstrual cycles. The administration of basti may also stimulate the parasympathetic nerve supply. This stimulation can contribute to the development of ovarian follicles and the release of ova from the ovary, further aiding in the regulation of menstrual cycles.

Administration Of Matra Basti

The patient is asked to lie down in the left lateral position, with the left leg extended, and the right leg flexed at the knees and hips. Lukewarm oil is drawn into an enema syringe, while the rubber catheter coated with oil is attached to the syringe. The lubricated rubber catheter is gently inserted and oil is administered while the patient is advised to take deep breaths to ease the insertion and prevent pain. The patient is allowed to lie in the supine position after the administration of oil. The buttocks are tapped gently, while the elevated legs help to retain the administered oil.

Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti In PCOS

After entering the pakvashaya, the basti exerts its effects on the body. Guda acts as sharira mula connected through shiras and dhamanies. Thus, basti not only provides local effect but also imparts systemic effects. In this way, the therapy nourishes and balances doshas and dhatus. Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti Basti normalises apana vata; the shatapushpa taila enters the circulatory system and activates ENS, and the endogenous opioids. This limits the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and modulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary-axis which finally normalises ovarian and menstrual cycles.

Shatapushpa taila used in basti imparts yonivishodhana, artavajanana, beejotsarga, balya and deepanpachan effects. Shatapushpa taila helps to clean the reproductive system; it also stimulates menstrual flow, promotes ovulation and enhances digestion. Shatapushpa helps to balance hormones by virtue of its phytoestrogenic activity, thus normalising the menstrual cycle.

This taila matra basti supports the digestive system, ensuring better absorption of nutrients, which, in turn, nourishes the reproductive tissues. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of taila help in alleviating associated symptoms; it also regulates hormonal balance, imparts detoxifying effects and reduces stress, while promoting mental relaxation. 

Dashamoola Taila Matra Basti In PCOS

Dashamoola is a combination of ten roots possessing enormous therapeutic properties — they enhance the potency of each other by virtue of viryasamkranti concept. Various processing methods also improve the potency of each drug of dashamoola; thus this formulation gives significant therapeutic responses in gynaecological disorders.

The dashamoola taila possesses attributes such as madhura, tikta, kashaya, guru, snighda, ushna veerya and madhura katu vipaka, etc. The properties are responsible for tridoshanashaka karma of the formulation. This pacifies all three doshas; it also possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and subdues the symptoms of PCOS, such as pain,  fever, etc.

Basti therapy is used to address menstrual irregularities, since it pacifies vata dosha and treats avarodha in artavavaha srotas. This matra basti gives enormous benefits in PCOS, among other basti therapies. Dashamoola gives vata and kapha pacifying effects and relives symptoms of aartav dusti [PCOS] associated with vata-kapha vitiation.

Administering dasmool taila through matra basti helps to lubricate and nourish the tissues, promoting the smooth functioning of the reproductive system. Matra basti is rich in nutrients and medicinal properties — it strengthens the uterine muscles and other reproductive tissues, while enhancing their health and functionality. Dasmool taila helps in regulating hormonal functions by improving the overall health of the endocrine system, thereby aiding in the normalisation of menstrual cycles. Dasmool taila basti helps to clear subtle blockages and impurities in the reproductive system, which can be a contributing factor to anartav. The soothing and nourishing properties of the oil have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting mental relaxation — this can indirectly support the resumption of normal menstrual cycles.


Matra basti offers significant effects in treating PCOS; it helps in the regularisation of menstruation, reduces body weight, improves follicle growth and enhances the ovulation process. PCOS primarily induced by vata, matra basti, particularly shatapushpa taila matra basti and dashamoola taila matra basti, relives vata vitiation and also addresses obstruction caused by vata. The matra basti prevents recurrence of PCOS by normalising apana vata and stimulating ENS — this leads to endogenous opioids’ release and regulation of HPO axis. All these effects together contribute to the therapeutic benefits of shatapushpa taila matra basti and dashamoola taila matra basti, in conditions like PCOS.

Dr AMITABH SINGH, MD [Ayurveda], Dr SHUCHITA SINGH, MD [Ayurveda] & Dr SHIVANI GARG, MD, [Ayurveda], are with Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Govindgarh, Punjab, India. This article [Comparative Study of Shatpuspa Tail Matra Basti with Dasmool Tail Matra Basti in Anartav w s r to Vata Kaphaj Aartav Dusti (PCOS)] was first published in Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences; 2024; 9[2]: 1-3, under the Creative Commons License 4.0.

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