Of Allergies & Acid Reflux

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR YK, a 29-year-old accounts manager, was troubled by allergies since age nine. This used get worse in summer. His key symptom was frequent, violent, erratic sneezing, with watery discharge. He could never think of doing away with his tissue paper and handkerchief. The skin under his nose was sore, also red.

A Case Of Pimpled Depression

Words: Dr Edward SHALTS Interestingly, homeopathic remedies may be helpful for literally thousands of symptoms. Natrum muriaticum, for example, is known to cure thousands of symptoms. ‘Provings’ done on healthy test subjects and the results of two hundred-plus years’ of experience of using this remedy to cure thousands of people revealed these symptoms, which are

Tony’s Day Out & Beyond

Words: Dr Amy ROTHENBERG  I have found that there are many presentations of Anacardium in modern homeopathic practice. The Anacardium aspect of the patient can be rather subtle, without the outright violence and hatred, excess energy and lack of control, often thought about for this remedy. However, once in a while, a patient presents and

A Case Of Menopause

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR When a woman stops having menstrual periods, permanently, she is said to have reached a stage of life called menopause. Menopause is also called as ‘change of life;’ it signals the end of a woman’s ability to have children. The use of the term menopause, as a norm, refers to the

Dr Scholten’s Group Analysis & Element Theory

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Dr Jan Scholten, MD, Knight in the Dutch Order of Orange Nassau, the Netherlands, is a renowned homeopath-researcher. He brings to homeopathy not only his knowledge of medicine, but also of chemistry, mathematics, and philosophy. He calls himself a scientist, making good use of solid information and logical thinking. At the same

The Pulsatilla Effect

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV  This petite young woman complained of stomach cramps and weakness while on her periods. She would be totally out of commission when she got her period and miss two days of business school every month. She was not sure if this was connected to her diet. “If I gain weight I

A Case Of Gallstone Colic

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER Homeopathy is a wonderfully powerful system of medicine. Its successes never fail to amaze and challenge me. This case was a bit of challenge. It’s one such case that shows you just how important certain little symptoms and clues are for the observer to be able to report to the homeopath.

IBS: Two Of A Kind

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE Twenty-six-year-old NK suffered from inveterate diarrhoea, triggered possibly by anxiety and stress, at the workplace, also home. She’s being treated for amoebiasis at a local clinic with no real benefit. I recommended a few lab tests and scan. There was nothing suggestive, or conclusive, from them. I determined clinically that

Return Of The Native

Words: Dr Joseph KELLERSTEIN Her mom was quite exasperated when she spoke to me. I can understand why. “Sophia has two definite sides to her personality. She is five, but acts like three, especially at home. On the other hand, she is quick to anger and that anger becomes a rage. Her face will flush

A Case Of Fits

Words: Dr Frank GRUBER Mary is a 42-year-old mildly retarded woman who came to my office with her sister with a chief complaint — of epileptic seizures. She was taking Tegretol 400mg each morning and had been on that medication for about three years. Prior to that she had been on 4-5 different seizure medications

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