Tom’s Healing Trophy

Words: Dr Carleen JOHNSON David Tom, a forty-eight-year-old man, had had a head-on collision with an adult moose when he was returning home from work at 5:15pm on the evening of November 1 — a few years ago. The first passers-by found him unconscious and bleeding. He regained consciousness and became belligerent as the arriving

A Case Of Bedwetting

Words: Dr Ambika P NAYAK Nearly 99 per cent of normal, healthy children attain day-time bladder control by age five. However, about 20 per cent of boys and about 10 per cent of girls may as yet have nocturnal [night-time] incontinence, or bedwetting, at age 7. Statistics suggests that 1 per cent of boys and

A Case Of Giant Hives

Words: Dr Miranda CASTRO My friend Mary’s daughter called recently and said, “Help. My mom’s all swollen up, and she keeps saying she’ll be okay in the morning, but she’s been swollen for two days now and she isn’t okay at all. I’m very worried about her.” Mary was suffering from a terrible case of

Case Of Angela

Words: Dr Julian JONAS Angela was a bubbly, sensitive and anxious eight-year-old whose parents first sought out homeopathic treatment for her about a year ago. A half-year earlier, she suddenly developed a throat clearing tic one evening while attending a children’s theatre programme. Over the next month, other tics, like eye blinking, mouth movements, high-pitched screams and

A Case Of Neuropathy

Words: Dr Robert KALADISH December was mild for a Toronto winter, but the steel grey skies were familiar. Janey, my receptionist, handed me the intake form indicative of a new patient waiting to begin our 2-hour initial visit. On reviewing the form and seeing the reason for the visit to be a peripheral neuropathy with

A Case Of Parkinson’s Disease

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER He looked older than his 59 years, with grey-white hair and wrinkled skin. Bill had worked for the local government as tax assessor, but had retired early because of his illness. He seemed withdrawn, as if profoundly depressed, and despite his regular habit of dressing in a suit and tie, he

The Lemon Mayhem

Words: Dr Ambika P NAYAK The COVID-19 pandemic brought home the point as to how important it was for each of us to have optimal levels of immunity. This, in more than ways than one, also engineered the ‘prompt,’ or clarion call, for most people to seeking all sorts of fancy ideas — a word

Birth Traumata

Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG  The circumstances of delivery have an important impact on our development. Dr Stanislav Grof, MD, PhD, the famous Czech psychiatrist, realised how much the process of delivery influences our life. Difficult deliveries especially shape our body, mind, and soul. I had the chance to observe this in a patient. She got

A Case Of PCOS

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU GB, a thirty-five-year-old accounts manager, presented with conspicuous hair growth on her face and hands. Her periods, she reported, were irregular, or lop-sided. She had been diagnosed of ovarian cysts, or polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS], following investigations etc., by her gynaecologist. PCOS, a hormonal disorder, is usually triggered by the

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