Two Short Cases

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Twenty-two-year-old Vicky suffered from psoriasis for four years. He had tried various therapies, but all without success. His psoriasis was extensive on his elbows and hands — with the back being worst affected. He carped of awful itching, especially at night. The lesions would often worsen in winter and upon

Ear Infection In Children

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Question: My kid tends to suffer from frequent ear pain, or infection. I know of some of my relatives and friends’ kids being subject to such health issues too. Could you kindly let us know the basics of such problems and also how homeopathy can help? — B J, Nagpur

Homeopathy: For Conjugal Bliss

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Q: I’ve been told that homeopathy is safe and useful for erectile dysfunction [ED]. I’d appreciate it very much if you’d kindly advise. — LP, Kolkata Stress, tough work-life schedules, junk-food, sedentary habits and bioclocks gone ‘wide of the mark’ have led to a host of lifestyle diseases — big

A Case Of PCOS

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU GB, a thirty-five-year-old accounts manager, presented with conspicuous hair growth on her face and hands. Her periods, she reported, were irregular, or lop-sided. She had been diagnosed of ovarian cysts, or polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS], following investigations etc., by her gynaecologist. PCOS, a hormonal disorder, is usually triggered by the

A Case Of Hyperthyroidism

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU GK [28] presented with clinically-established hyperthyroidism [overactive thyroid] and dermatitis [eczema]. She looked wiry, with a fatigued physical presence, juxtaposed by a noticeable eczematous manifestation on her face. Her hubby was estranged from her owing to a long-term property disagreement. This ostensibly had a hostile effect on her health. What’s

Two Cases Of Allergy

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU PJ [23], a livewire business associate in a top company, was always in a rush; she would eat a quick breakfast, while watching TV, just before driving to work. She had nasal allergy; her nasal discharge smelled really bad. It resembled chewing gum too; it was sinewy. She depended on

A Case Of Ovary Cyst

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Twenty-nine-year-old MB consulted me, primarily with symptoms of irregular periods. She reported that her ‘periods were inconsistent’ — with each cycle having a gap of 4-5 months. MB was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS] with a cyst in the right ovary. PCOS is a condition in which a woman’s

Hair Apparent To Glowing Skin

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU DP, a thirty-year-old physiotherapist, was distraught with her hair loss. She had tried various potions, shampoos and prescriptions that ‘vowed’ to regulate her hair loss for over two years. The result, however, was a disappointment. To top it all, she was detected having polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS], and anaemia, the

Homeopathy For Sinusitis

Homeopathy For Sinusitis

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Question: Doctor, I’ve been diagnosed and treated for chronic sinusitis, for a couple of years, or more. Each time I am put on conventional medications, I feel all right, but the problem seems to only return often with a bang. A friend of mine told me that he got over

A Case Of MA & LP

how to reduce skin disease with homeopathy

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU How to reduce skin disease with homeopathy. JM, a 30-year-old manager, consulted me for ‘hyperpigmentation,’ which she believed was a part of her since childhood. There was no ‘real-time’ itching, but the pigmentation was prominent on her face, limbs and back. JM reported that she’d taken conventional and Ayurveda treatments

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