A Case Of Nux Vomica

nux vomica

Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG People who represent the homeopathic Nux vomica personality, or archetype, are full of anger and rage. Their environment often suffers under their repelling and offensive behaviour — of critically dredging up any mistake. Like the slightest draft causes a cold, also the slightest objection, or dissent, causes an outburst of anger.

Natrum Muriaticum For Grief

Natrum Muriaticum

Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG Many people cannot get over bad experiences. They also carry them within — sometimes for their whole life. It is impossible for them to forgive and forget. They are haunted by buried and repressed events that push to the surface again and again. Painful memories rooted in childhood occupy the innermost

A Case Of Faecal Incontinence

Faecal Incontinence

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Nine-year-old SM presented with symptoms of faecal incontinence [encopresis] ever since she was three as her doting mother put it. Her stools were reportedly normal in the morning followed by several episodes of involuntary stools throughout the day. She would obviously soil her clothes without even being aware of it,

Two Cases Of Calcarea


Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG I present two classical cases, where the homeopathic Calcarea carbonicum ‘personality,’ in children, was evident. The remedy was, therefore, prescribed — with good effect. Here’s a summary. Calcarea carbonicum seems more than an anachronism in our fast-moving world — in our two case examples, children who need their time, who can’t

A Case Of Diabetes & Breast Cancer


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  John, a thirty-seven-year-old executive, was rushed to the hospital after collapsing. When he regained consciousness, his doctors told him he suffered from a severe case of adult-onset diabetes. His blood sugar reading was 830, nearly 700 points above normal. For the rest of his life, he was told, he would have

A Case Of Genital Warts


Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV A young woman whom I had treated for several years with homeopathy for recurrent sore throats and a weak constitution was distraught because she had been exposed by her previous boyfriend to genital warts. She was upset for multiple reasons: 1] the feeling that her previous boyfriend had betrayed her by

A Case Of Diabetes & PMS

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN GL, a thirty-one-year-old interior designer with a bright future [and, a hot temper], was literally saved by magnesium. His job was extremely deadline driven and required fantastic precision as well as an ability to understand global trends. The first time he walked into my office, he told me that he’d already

A Case Of Psoriasis & Lichen Planus

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU  AR [59] presented with palmoplantar psoriasis, a condition that had stayed put for 5-6 years. He complained of severe itching, dryness, scaling with deep cracks in the affected areas. He had taken conventional treatment, but it had only [in his words] provided transitory respite. His symptoms, he reported, occurred the moment

A Case Of Depression & ‘Too Much Gas’

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU  AB [39], presented with depression of over five years; she was on anti-depressants ever since. She was indifferent, not keen on any activity, and would sit in the balcony staring at the neighbouring skyscraper for hours. She was often ‘distant’ from her husband and their two kids. When I analysed

A Case Of Diabetes & Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU GJ [34] presented with common symptoms: weakness and frequent headaches, for over eight months, with increased appetite and excess thirst. In spite of eating well, he reported, during our video consultation, that he’d lost a good 7kg. He had lost interest in work too — all he wanted was to

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