A Case Of Gallstone Colic

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER Homeopathy is a wonderfully powerful system of medicine. Its successes never fail to amaze and challenge me. This case was a bit of challenge. It’s one such case that shows you just how important certain little symptoms and clues are for the observer to be able to report to the homeopath.

Change Of Life

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER With Dr Debby BRUCK  First, the big question. How safe is the menopausal medication oestrogen, the most widely prescribed drug in the US?  Answers may be years away, and yet 1.3 million+ American women who enter menopause each year must decide whether it outweighs possible links to cancer and other illnesses.

A Case Of Parkinson’s Disease

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER He looked older than his 59 years, with grey-white hair and wrinkled skin. Bill had worked for the local government as tax assessor, but had retired early because of his illness. He seemed withdrawn, as if profoundly depressed, and despite his regular habit of dressing in a suit and tie, he

A Case Of Acne

Words: Dr Manfred MUELLER The young gentleman, in his early thirties, was a little self-conscious about his looks. He had been plagued by severe acne of the face, a condition diagnosed as tuberous acne, although one could argue that was really cystic acne. You could see significant acne scaring over his cheeks, chin and all

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