Moringa & Its Health Benefits

moringa health benefits

Words: Dr Yusuf Mikail OLATUNJI Moringa oleifera is the popular drumstick tree. It belongs to the moringalea family native to India. It is also found in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Africa. The tree, in its completest form, can grow up to a height of 5-10m. Moringa possesses an extremely rich seed, edible leaves, and flowers;

A Case Of Nux Vomica

nux vomica

Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG People who represent the homeopathic Nux vomica personality, or archetype, are full of anger and rage. Their environment often suffers under their repelling and offensive behaviour — of critically dredging up any mistake. Like the slightest draft causes a cold, also the slightest objection, or dissent, causes an outburst of anger.

7 Shields Of Ayurveda

7 Shields Of Ayurveda

Words: Dr Deep Narayan PANDEY Global health challenges are increasing. So are the costs. Despite progress in healthcare, the world is far from achieving health-related sustainable development goals. Is there an answer to this global crisis? Yes, possibly. We propose that the seven shields of Ayurveda can, indeed, help reduce the years lived in morbidity

Food Is Medicine


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  It’s part of a heavily customised mental baggage we all carry. What’s more, the truth about good food, and nutrition, cannot be conveyed in a manner comprehensible to each of us on planet earth. Not because of the subject’s astounding complexity, claims, counter-claims, fads and myths, but also inasmuch as our

2022: Explore The Unexplored

Words: Paribha VASHIST Continuity and change is what characterises the global environment. 2022 will reflect this reality of constant flux. From changing power equations, geopolitical rivalries, and quests for hegemonic power to ‘hybrid’ work culture and virtual reality as the ‘new normal,’ 2022 would be a defining year. This will certainly demand adaptability and openness

Arnica Montana: Spirit Of The Remedy

Arnica Montana

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV While watching the Winter Olympics, a few years ago, I got inspired to write an article about the personality characteristics of people who need the homeopathic Arnica montana as a constitutional remedy. I learned about the personality characteristics of Arnica montana from Dr Frans Kusse’s fascinating book, Homeopathic Types. I had

Solastalgia: Solace From Distress


Paribha VASHIST distils the word, ‘solastalgia,’ or a sense of desolation people feel when their land, or home, is lost as a result of ‘environment change’ induced causes. Forty-two-year-old Aalok, who belongs to a poor fishing community in Bangladesh, is worried about the future of his three unmarried daughters. In 2017, his ‘kutcha’ house on

All About Functional Foods

Functional Foods

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Question: I’ve heard and read a great deal about functional foods, nutraceuticals, or super-nutrients, among others. They sound simple, they also sound complex. Could you please help me separate the chaff from the grain, as it were, and make it comprehensible for me and other TW360 readers, who may be interested

Everyday Miracles


Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  I am privileged to be practicing integrative medicine during a time of revolution –– the Nutraceutical Revolution. Nutraceuticals are nutrients that have the capacity to act like medicines.  They are ‘natural’ pharmaceuticals. The real miracle –– nature’s power to heal — has always been available to us.  But, now science has

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