Bespoke Wellness

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Homeopathy treats the individual; it does not limit its treatment to the diagnosis of the illness alone. When you are ill, your illness has its own unique pattern of symptoms. You tend to develop or ‘catch’ certain illnesses, because of a particular pattern of imbalance within your system — one that

Of Fear & Desire

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The reasons for feeling fearful of people and, in some cases, desiring the company of others have many origins; they also differ widely in individuals. Some are aware of why these feelings exist, others are caught in the web without any understanding. Fear of people and a desire for company display

Goodness Of Lettuce

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Lettuce is a small-size annual plant. Its leaves give out milk-like ‘sap’ when cut. There are about six varieties of lettuce that exist. The leaf varieties which have a mild bitter taste are rich in antioxidants. A low calorie green-vegetable, fresh lettuce provides just 15 calories per 100gm. Put simply, the vegetable

4 Common Kids’ Disorders

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a common disorder in kids. The word, eczema, comes from the Greek, for ‘to boil, or flow out.’ The expression is, of course, used for a group of skin conditions that show a pattern — with redness, itching, serum-filled blisters, crusting and scaling. Atopic eczema is

‘The Joy Of Living Well’

Kiara ADVANI-MALHOTRA on beauty, health, fitness and wellness. Your view on beauty?   Beauty, for me, is more about how you feel rather than how you appear. It is also, any which way one looks at it, just about feeling at ease, not merely in and with my own skin, but in every manner of one’s

‘Diligence Is My Holistic Quotient’

Dr Vishal SHARMA responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?   I had a great fascination for the medical profession, from my childhood. This was why I always thought of becoming a doctor, and nothing else — because I loved the noble idea of serving people. What made you

Of Moody Blues & Backache

Words: Dr Joseph KELLERSTEIN Olga presented with a chief complaint of mild, but persistent, depression of five years’ duration. Sulphur 10M was given and she reports feeling much relief in that department within 2-3 days, but this week there was a return of her old back pain, but with tremendous severity. The pain was so

Dealing With Allergies

Words: Dr Ambika P NAYAK Allergy is a famed word — it conforms to a clear, unexpected reaction of the body to any substance that may, otherwise, be harmless. What happens in allergic reactions? Our immune system identifies certain substances as allergens and produces antibodies, which now go into action to destroy them and, in

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