Not Your Fault When You Can’t Remember

Words: Drs Thor GRÜNBAUM & Dr Søren KYLLINGSBÆK Most of us have experienced the embarrassment of forgetting to do that important thing we promised someone we would. Sometimes you did everything you could to remember, yet it still slipped your mind. Our new research could hold the explanation. No matter how hard you try to

Return Of The Native

Words: Dr Joseph KELLERSTEIN Her mom was quite exasperated when she spoke to me. I can understand why. “Sophia has two definite sides to her personality. She is five, but acts like three, especially at home. On the other hand, she is quick to anger and that anger becomes a rage. Her face will flush

Not All Interruptions Are Bad

Words: Dr Tim G SCHWEISFURTH Interruptions are an inevitable part of working life. Some last a short time — a phone call, an urgent task, or a colleague stopping by for a chat. While these can take a brief toll on productivity, extended interruptions, such as supply-chain issues, extreme weather, or machinery breakdowns, can have

Up Your Spiritual Credo

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR The propelling action behind all action is desire. It works on a compressed spring called consciousness, which also relates to value. The upshot is simple. Unless you value a thing, you cannot desire it. All of us have within us a strong urge to become explicitly valuable to others. Whether we

Homeopathic Education Needs A New Perestroika-2

Words: Dr Douglas FALKNER There ought to be a ‘clear perception,’ as Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy, writes about, in order to be of highest service. This must be derived from a refined amalgam of mind and heart. In matters of true import, the mind was not meant to function in isolation.

Breast Pain: When Even Hugs Hurt

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE  Q: This is a woman-to-woman thing. Many of us would have at times avoided a nice, warm hug from a loved one, simply because our breasts were too tender — the diagnosis being mastalgia. Please let us know how homeopathy can help us to treat the problem — safely and gently. 

Probiotics: Safe & Handy

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN A key characteristic of healthy bacteria is their ability to antagonise unhealthy, or pathogenic, bacteria. Pathogenic organisms are dangerous because they either cause infection or release harmful substances as a by-product of their natural digestive processes. Probiotics work in a variety of ways to keep unhealthy bacteria in check. Some crowd

Why Business Leaders Love Meditation

Words: Victoria MASTERSON Meditation helps me lead, says Marc Benioff, the founder and CEO of American software company, Salesforce. Benioff also says learning to meditate more than 30 years ago has helped him “stop the inner critic”. Other business leaders who meditate include founder and CEO of Thrive, and Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington, television

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