‘I Love Being My True Me’


Dr Priyanka BORAMANI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire:  Your view on beauty? Beauty, for me, is being comfortable with yourself. If you are comfortable with the colour of your skin, also the skin of your thought, to use a timeless metaphor, it would invariably translate into increased self-confidence. Beauty is also about how you treat others

Empathy: My Priority

skills to become doctor

Dr Kanchan Umesh SHETTY responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire:  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  I had come across this quote, in my formative years, that only two professions in this world have it in them to give you the feeling of care and compassion — teaching and medicine. I always wanted

Homeopathic Aggravation Unplugged

Homeopathic Aggravation

Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG  The intake of a prescribed homeopathic remedy sometimes causes the so-called initial aggravation, i.e., the suppressed disease symptoms suddenly become acute. If you, or your loved one, take homeopathic treatment, you’d have heard from your doctor about such a possibility. This is just a simple endeavour to explaining its nitty-gritty —

Fix Your Bowel Glitch


Words: Dr Ambika P NAYAK The gut is the seat of one’s health and wellness. Emptying the bowels is functionally, or physiologically, important, every day, after getting up in the morning. The practice is one of the prime indicators of one’s health quotient, because the nature of stools, like frequency, colour, and consistency, unravels a

COVID-19: The Ayurvedic Perspective

Ayurveda against COVID-19

Words: Dr Deep Narayan PANDEY There are elaborate descriptions of the causation and management of epidemics [janapadodhwamsa], in Ayurveda classics, although clinical profiling of COVID-19 is necessary to provide preventative and therapeutic insights. Research efforts have now established clinical profile, although there is no unanimity as yet. One of the most important efforts by a

Sweet, Safe Pills For Influenza

Pills For Flu

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV This is my approach to flu treatment. As homeopaths we are taught that that when a person develops an acute illness, one of two things may be going on: first, this could be an exacerbation of their chronic complaints. If that’s the case, generally speaking, the chronic symptoms may persist during

Nutrients For Asthma: Part-1

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Many people use the words vitamin and supplement interchangeably. Technically, this is inaccurate. Supplements can be broken down into vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and a host of other compounds including bioflavonoids and isoflavones. I will focus on the relatively small army of researched Nutrients For Asthma that can help

Homeopathy For Sinusitis

Homeopathy For Sinusitis

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Question: Doctor, I’ve been diagnosed and treated for chronic sinusitis, for a couple of years, or more. Each time I am put on conventional medications, I feel all right, but the problem seems to only return often with a bang. A friend of mine told me that he got over

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