Phone Calls: Good For Young People’s Well-Being

Dr Andrea WIGFIELD, Dr Antonia YPSILANTI, et al When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 it’s doubtful that he imagined how its usage would change over time. What started out as a wired medium for a voice conversation, now wireless and mobile, is used to transmit written messages, photographs and access the Internet.

Best Foods For The Mind

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360  Q: What are the best foods for the mind, or mental well-being, especially in our troubled times? I’d appreciate your guidance. — JRK, Lucknow Meat, fruits, and vegetables — studies have suggested that these foods have the potential to boost mood and mental health. But, which are best? Well, according to new

‘My Focus: Public Health’

Dr Reshma R PAI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  I attribute it to my nascent passion and vision to serving the community since my childhood. When I completed my pre-university studies, it was, I believe, my own tryst with destiny — seeking and getting admission into

‘Be Yourself. Be Self-Effacing’

Kriti KHARBANDA on beauty, health, fitness and wellness.  Your view on beauty?  My beauty hymn hinges on one vital element — hydration. This has worked for me wonderfully well — the necessity of maintaining moisture levels internally and externally. This also involves more than just drinking water; it’s about ensuring that the skin remains dewy

Swine Flu: The First Step Is Prevention

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 For the deadly swine flu, there is just one answer — an ounce of prevention is tantamount to a pound of ‘cure.’ Also, remember — the simplest of preventative measures and medicines are, sometimes, the best of cures… You’d take the homoeopathic Influenzinum. Oscillococcinum is another useful remedy. Dosage: as advised by

Mindfulness: How To Make It Work

Words: Nathaniel JOHNSON & Dr Hali KIL You’ve probably seen the word mindfulness everywhere these days, from the news to magazines to social media. Mindfulness is sometimes packaged as a mental health cure-all, and studies do suggest that mindfulness-based therapies support mental health. Your friends, or family, may even have told you that mindfulness has changed their lives. But if you have

For The Busy Woman

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Working women wear ‘two’ many hats. They run the household and also pursue a career outside of their home to help support the family. It’s obviously a big challenge for them to juggling such a responsibility. Many of them skip meals to ‘make-do’ with time; this may sometimes cause nutritional imbalance, leading

‘Homeopathy: More Than Gentle Medicine’

Dr Devanshi THAKUR responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  My interest, also passion, stemmed from my profound love for science, particularly biology, and a strong desire to helping others. I was always fascinated by the human body and its functioning. My family physician inspired me, no less.

‘Ayurveda: More Than A Holistic Quest’

Dr Vyshnavi N KINI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  When I was growing up, I was fascinated with doctors, the manner in which they performed, not just did, their job — healing people, also changing lives, and managing their other responsibilities. Add to this, my penchant


Words: Drs Nigam PAUDEL, Amulya DAHAL, Bijendra SHAH & Sangita MAHARJAN Hypothyroidism refers to any state that results in a deficiency of the thyroid hormones, including hypothalamic, or pituitary, disease and generalised tissue resistance to thyroid hormone and/or disorders that affect the thyroid gland directly. It is a condition associated with deficiency in the thyroid

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