Mindfulness: How To Make It Work

Words: Nathaniel JOHNSON & Dr Hali KIL You’ve probably seen the word mindfulness everywhere these days, from the news to magazines to social media. Mindfulness is sometimes packaged as a mental health cure-all, and studies do suggest that mindfulness-based therapies support mental health. Your friends, or family, may even have told you that mindfulness has changed their lives. But if you have

Breathe Well To De-Stress

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Hey — you look quite stressed out, don’t you? Take a few minutes off and try to spend some time focusing on your breath. Don’t think of anything else. You will feel better. This yoga type of breathing is to complete relaxation what music is to the mind. Simple premise. The quality

‘Centring’ Holds The Key

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Our mind is just not limited to subjective and objective feelings. It is also not just the seat of intelligence. It loves amusement as much as rest, juxtaposed by habitual periods of activity. Get the point? People, especially night workers, who deprive themselves of adequate sleep show signs akin to psychosis.

Reflective Awareness

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Decoding our life’s experiences, or perspectives, isn’t a problem so long as we are connecting them to comprehensible paradigms, contexts, or stated connotations that they convey to us. The whole idea, however, gets lost when we twist, or redefine them, while fitting them into totally new perspectives, or hooking them to

That Higher Purpose

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Our success and fulfilment depend upon how we respond to challenges of everyday life. The duo is in no way related, or reliant, on privileges, advantages, or disadvantages, that we are all born with, or are not able to surmount as we’d all want, or wish to. Whatever our station in

Mindfulness, Heartfulness & Wellness

Words: Drs Martina RAHE, Fabian WOLFF & Petra JANSEN Mindfulness is the awareness to be non-judgmental in the present moment. The scientific research on the broad term ‘mindfulness’ has increasingly grown in the last two decades. However, in many studies, poor methodology and lack of clarity in the definition of mindfulness has led to an

Why Business Leaders Love Meditation

Words: Victoria MASTERSON Meditation helps me lead, says Marc Benioff, the founder and CEO of American software company, Salesforce. Benioff also says learning to meditate more than 30 years ago has helped him “stop the inner critic”. Other business leaders who meditate include founder and CEO of Thrive, and Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington, television

Do Optimists Really Live Longer?

Words: Fuschia SIROIS Do you tend to see the glass as half-full, rather than half-empty? Are you always looking on the bright side of life? If so, you may be surprised to learn that this tendency could actually be good for your health. A number of studies have shown that optimists enjoy higher levels of well-being, better

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

Words: Dr Rachel Goldsmith TUROW Mindfulness and self-compassion are now buzzwords for self-improvement. But, in fact, a growing body of research shows these practices can lead to real mental health benefits. This research — ongoing, voluminous and worldwide — clearly shows how and why these two practices work. One effective way to cultivate mindfulness and self-compassion is through

Imagery Rules

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON Have you ever considered the power of your imagination? Some believe it is a person’s least utilised health resource. Dr Martin L Rossman, Co-Founder of the Academy for Guided Imagery, US, states that imagination “can be used to remember and recreate the past, develop insight into the present, influence physical

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