That Predisposed State

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Disease is a result of a morbific stimulus which resonates with the particular level of susceptibility [predisposition] of the organism. The stimulus, or exciting, cause may be a microorganism, chemical, emotion, vaccination, etc., but without a strong susceptibility to the morbific agent, disease is not produced. That is, there must be

‘Nothing Winds Me Up’

Dr GURUPRASAD responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor? I always empathised with and to serving society, more so the sick. This led me to my predictable destination, also career — that nothing is better than being god’s helping hand as a thoughtful, conscientious physician. What made you

A Case Of Hyperthyroidism

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU GK [28] presented with clinically-established hyperthyroidism [overactive thyroid] and dermatitis [eczema]. She looked wiry, with a fatigued physical presence, juxtaposed by a noticeable eczematous manifestation on her face. Her hubby was estranged from her owing to a long-term property disagreement. This ostensibly had a hostile effect on her health. What’s

The Healing Power Of Nidra

Words: Dr Vihar Rajendra BIDWAI & Dr Pranay GANDHI A host of rapid changes in peoples’ lifestyle, in recent years, has led to several new disorders — they are collectively called ‘lifestyle disorders.’ Hypertension [high blood pressure] is a well-known risk factor of the cardiovascular system that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also

Of Beans & Snake Gourd


Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Beans are as old as civilisation. There is evidence that native Mexicans and Peruvians cultivated beans as early as 7,000 BCE. The use of beans existed in ancient Egypt and Asia, no less. It is, therefore, apparent that beans were an integral part of several cultures throughout the world. Beans are rich

All About Classical Homeopathy

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Classical homeopathy is based on the belief that disease can be cured by strengthening the body’s defence mechanism with substances carefully selected for their energy-giving properties. Disease and the body’s defence mechanism originate on the dynamic plane, and homeopathic medicine directs itself to this plane, aiming to change the imbalance in

You’re No Pressure Cooker

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON No one is immune to stress. It’s a universal human experience. You’ve undoubtedly heard that some stress can be ‘helpful,’ especially if it motivates you to make changes that improve your lifestyle and health. This is called eustress [the Greek prefix ‘eu,’ meaning ‘good’]. Some people even work best when

Emote To Connote

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR We are our emotions and emotions are ‘us’ — one way, or the other. Our emotions make our behaviour and thoughts. The ‘trio’ represents a complex mechanism. The more emotional you are, there is less blood flow for your logical functions. Not more, as may be the popular opinion. This is

Beat Anxiety

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Kate Vogel [34], suffered from irritable bowel syndrome [IBS], characterised by gas, bloating, diarrhoea, and food sensitivities, as well as shortness of breath. She had also been losing weight rapidly, shedding 20kg in the last two months. Her job as a freelance computer analyst required her to hop from office-to-office, offering

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