Acute Cough

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathy has proven its worth in a wide variety of illnesses, among them the prescription for acute coughs. As with all prescriptions, successful treatment depends on how ‘similar’ the chosen homeopathic remedy is to the symptoms exhibited by the patient. To illustrate this, 12 homeopathic remedies with their modalities and keynotes

First Quick Aid

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathic remedies used in dilution have far-reaching and astounding results in mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Homeopathic remedies used in mother tincture form are also of great value and though they may not target the deeper energetic planes, they do produce excellent results in a variety of external problems. The following

Homeopathy For Vacations

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The holidays are a time for celebrating with friends, colleagues and family and may include indulging in lavish dinners . When we eat and drink beyond our limits, all the holiday cheer may take a toll on our bodies. Fortunately, homeopathy can be of assistance in ‘curing’ the ills that come

Two Remedies For Loneliness

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH We have all experienced feelings of loneliness at some point in our lives. At these times we may feel isolated and alone, or dejected and not understood. Or, we may have a constant feeling of being uncared for, or neglected by a friend, relative, or fellow worker. We may, at times,

Of Fear & Desire

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The reasons for feeling fearful of people and, in some cases, desiring the company of others have many origins; they also differ widely in individuals. Some are aware of why these feelings exist, others are caught in the web without any understanding. Fear of people and a desire for company display

Listening: The Key To Prescribing

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Maintaining a balanced, positive state of health is a challenge we all face as we age. And, dealing with illness when it arises can be daunting. However, if we look for meaning in dis-eases, we come to understand that illness is merely a state of imbalance and is present in order

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