Emote To Connote

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

We are our emotions and emotions are ‘us’ — one way, or the other. Our emotions make our behaviour and thoughts. The ‘trio’ represents a complex mechanism. The more emotional you are, there is less blood flow for your logical functions. Not more, as may be the popular opinion. This is simple — healing, for instance, can emerge only when a ‘hurting’ emotion is dealt with from the inside out, not just on the surface.

It is rightly said that our eyes do not speak what the mind does not know. We all convey, or express, our emotional information through our eyes. Our eyes are windows to our soul. Each of us, for instance, looks at the other person’s eyes to read their emotions and vice versa. It is our eyes, also face, that suggest, confirm, or betray what we, or they, are ‘emoting’ — even when one is not forthcoming, or reserved to the point of being resigned. There is so much intelligence that resides in our mind — and, also our eyes.

Your psyche is a complicated network. It generates ideas; it also creates our dreams. You are, likewise, more than your body chemistry and conscious physics that make us what we are — this is something beneath science, above science and also technological estimate, or measure. While it is true that science can evaluate both chemical and physical changes that take place as a result of our physiology, or emotions, in either health, or illness, the difficult part is no scientific gadget can connote what the actual ‘sentiment’ of a given emotion is. Likewise, one cannot measure consciousness, or how the subconscious is created in the background of chemicals and hormones. We are deciphering the etymologies of the power of our subconscious mind in problem solving, all right — but, we do not, as yet, know where our conscious energy emanates from.

Our emotions are the epitome of ‘dualistic’ thought — they ignite vitality and energy in us. They also produce melancholy. When we are happy, or delighted, we feel radiant, energetic and rejuvenated. When we are sad, we feel weary — even desolate. This is also the raison d’être why we hold the view that unexpressed, negative emotions result in muscle tension, while ‘emptying’ our muscle tension often leads to ‘purging’ of such emotions.

Emotions rule us — they represent vigour and motion. Our emotions are dynamic, not static. They are always evolving, re-emerging and progressing. What is scientifically quantifiable is the transmission of emotions into behaviour and emotional expression. An unhappy event wobbles us. An uplifting event, on the other hand, has just the opposite effect. Each emotion expresses a beginning and an end to its energy pattern, or lifecycle. It is this progression that releases emotional energy for us to move on to the next expressive frame.

The word emotion is derived from the Latin ‘emote,’ meaning to express. It is not so much related to feelings, which are vague, as much as it ‘emotes’ emotions, or ‘activates’ beliefs that are waiting to be expressed. This is also one reason why experiencing positive emotions provide a remarkable effect on us in everyday life. Just thinking of optimistic emotions can be as positively effective as a meditative, or self-hypnosis, session. Result? Your body will feel active and vibrant. This releases emotional energy and brings about a sense of balance, while supporting us to uphold stability in mind, body and soul.

Picture this. When your emotions are suppressed, ‘frozen’ or benumbed, it leads to ‘bottled-up’ feelings with no way out of the quagmire. As you ‘let-go,’ you will discharge negative energy, feel better and also composed beyond measure.

TAGS: Emotions, positive, negative emotions, behaviour, bottled-up feelings, thoughts, dreams, vitality, energy, meditation, mind, body, soul.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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