The Art Of Mindful Parenting

Words: Sharon GARRO When you instil mindfulness to the challenges of children it can help parents to better enjoy the precious early years. Parents can struggle to enjoy the present. Children fill parental minds with lists of things to do and challenges to overcome. Many mums and dads struggle to enjoy the moment they are

The Perfect ‘Diet’ For Fitness

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON During the course of researching this topic, this author looked at several different approaches and found that while they had many things in common, they also varied in significant ways. As a Holistic Health Practitioner and someone who has enjoyed exercising for the last 10-12 years, I found myself drawn

First-Aid For Bleeding In Accidents

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE Q: I was at a site when an unexpected, unfortunate accident happened. There were just a few people around and none of them, as luck would have it, knew ‘how-to’ about first-aid. It was, of course, providence that the victim was saved, when a good Samaritan, who’s driving a car,

Homeopathy: New Medicine

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Homeopathy is primarily based on the evidence of clinical practice, clinical observation and clinical outcomes — provided by way of treatment, clinical trials, or basic research, and laboratory studies. To state the obvious — most conventional medical scientists have relatively no interest in homeopathic clinical care. This is because homeopathy and

1 Year: A Recap

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH It’s difficult, but also exciting, to believe that ThinkWellness360 is one-year-old. Time flies, yes. As I now reflect on the past year, I realise that it has been my privilege to create in words a comprehensive selection of articles on the many fascinating aspects of classical homeopathy. All my articles, through

Gut Disorders: ‘Belly-Ho’

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Gastric disorders, in everyone’s language, are often referred to as tummy problems. Now, the clichéd question. Is the apprehension of heartburn, or indigestion, ‘killing’ your pleasure of eating? Watch out: it could be gastric trouble. Call it ‘heartburn,’ ‘dyspepsia’ or hyperacidity, or whatever, more than ten per cent of individuals who

‘Travel: The Song Of My Life’

Biker BHARATHI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. Your view on beauty? I am a full-time traveller. For me, beauty is positive vibes. I also believe that true beauty resides in self-confidence, generosity, happiness, dignity, intelligence, and making others feel at ease. While travelling, I find and appreciate beauty in everything. I get good vibes from the

‘That Prize-Winning Moment. Every Day’

Dr Visalatchi Anjan GURUSAMY responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor? I remember, quite well, that when I was around ten-years-old, or so, I loved carrying a doctor’s coat on my shoulder. I also had great interest reading books on the sciences, especially human biology, in my formative

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