Herbs That Boost Immunity

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 It is a given that simple kitchen herbs destroy viruses and enhance your immunity. Our grandma knew it. Modern science and research has found that lavender and eucalyptus, for example, have good anti-viral properties. Among other kitchen herbs that also pack the anti-viral punch are rosemary, lemon balm, hyssop, peppermint, and tea

‘That Song & Dance Of Life’

Koonal BHANDARI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.   Your view on beauty? Beauty, as I understand, is a delightful ‘distraction.’ It materialises when I manage to steal a moment of tranquillity in my life. It also simply revels in the world around me. Picture this. When I ‘pause’ time and take a deep breath, while observing my grandma comfortably settled

Weekend Workout: Does It Work

Words: Dr Peter SWOBODA Exercise is good for your overall health and your heart in particular. Guidelines recommend that we should be doing 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity a week. But, does it matter when you do this exercise? Should you spread it out in the week, or does it lose some of the benefit if you

‘The Essence Of Bespoke Ayurveda’

Dr Prasanna KULKARNI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  I have had, since my formative years, a profound passion, also proclivity, for traditional knowledge, juxtaposed by a strong desire to making a positive impact on people’s lives. I fully believed that Ayurveda would provide me with the

16 Reasons To Love Your Homeopath

Words: Tracy D KOLENCHUK  Love your homeopath because your homeopath is a rebel like you, supporting medicines that work.  For love. Love your family, love thy neighbour, and love your homeopath. Even if you don’t need a homeopath now, your aunt, your grandmother, or grandchild might. The decision to love your homeopath expands your future

Stop Smoking With Homeopathy

Words: Dr Pankaj AGGARWAL Be it a teenager, or septuagenarian, each of us is aware of the fact that smoking is harmful. Well, there is no cigarette wrapper that does not carry the caveat, “Smoking is injurious to health.” Yet, we find that approximately 975 million people are smokers worldwide. Quitting smoking is really tough.

Sweeteners Sized Up

Words: Dr Namitha RAJENDRAN P C You don’t think of sweeteners until the word, diabetes, ‘pops up’ in your mind, or life — or, you are an avid health buff, more so with ‘up-to-the-minute’ information cherry-picked from WhatsApp University. When the ‘likely’ diagnosis of the famed sugar disorder becomes a reality, the thought of having

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