‘Ayurveda Allures Me’

Dr SOWMYASHREE responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor?  I owe it to a professional Ayurveda doctor at home — a successful teacher, who was also persistent and deeply passionate about what he did. Besides, I’d a fervent penchant to becoming a teacher deep within me. Thus, the

Phone Calls: Good For Young People’s Well-Being

Dr Andrea WIGFIELD, Dr Antonia YPSILANTI, et al When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 it’s doubtful that he imagined how its usage would change over time. What started out as a wired medium for a voice conversation, now wireless and mobile, is used to transmit written messages, photographs and access the Internet.

Best Foods For The Mind

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360  Q: What are the best foods for the mind, or mental well-being, especially in our troubled times? I’d appreciate your guidance. — JRK, Lucknow Meat, fruits, and vegetables — studies have suggested that these foods have the potential to boost mood and mental health. But, which are best? Well, according to new

Essentialis Medicāmentum

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR The homeopathic physician aims to understand every individual patient’s unique features in health and illness. They also focus on their subject’s compass and radar to understanding contrasting, or different, levels of reactions, or responses, in the individual. This is in sharp contrast to a conventional, or allopathic, medicine physician, who invariably

Omega-3 For Depression

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON Depression is nothing new — it’s the stuff that keeps some companies [and, practically an entire industry] in business. Some even speculate that such companies don’t actually intend to ‘cure’ depression, for then it becomes less lucrative. Small comfort for you, if you are among the millions of people who

For Obstinacy

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The dictionary defines obstinacy “as persistently adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course; and, not yielding to reason, argument, or other means.” We have much to learn from the careful scrutiny of homeopathy which teaches us that labelling without careful analysis is misleading and limiting, and that ‘pigeonholing’ produces only a

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR All of us have ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria in our gut. This is nature’s balancing act. Besides, it’s not just eating, but also what goes on in your mind — for example, emotional stress — that may trigger irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]. That IBS has no known, or established, cause is

Trends That Help Society & Your Health

Words: Sean FLEMING There’s a new must-have accessory every avid runner needs. It’s not the latest wearable tech. It’s not a pair of amazingly supportive running shoes. No, it’s the humble refuse bag. You could choose any colour you like, but as this is an idea that originated in Sweden, you might want to opt

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