All About Fuelled Action


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR It’s rightly said that ingrained, or habitual, responses activate our feelings. This holds good for our unanswered emotional patterns too. In other words, we are innately hooked to emote feelings that emerge before and after a situation. You and I can actually modify, or alter, any given or not given opinion,

Osteoporosis: The Silent Disorder: Part-2


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Individuals diagnosed with osteoporosis are often prescribed lifestyle changes, along with medication. These include — Giving up smoking Ensuring adequate calcium and vitamin D intake [1,500mg per day of calcium, preferably through diet and/or supplements; 800-1,200IU [international units] of vitamin D, especially in adults aged 55+ Limiting alcohol consumption Regular exercise

For A Healthy Heart

Healthy Heart

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Free radicals are harmful compounds released during inflammation, or infection. They may, as a result, cause heart disease, also cancer — and, affect our body in a host of ways. Is there a mode — to defuse the free radical effect? Yes, ‘go for’ antioxidants, viz., vitamin C, among other things.

Integrative Healing


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Dr David Simon, MD, is a physician of repute at Chopra Center, US. A neurologist by training, Simon’s profound interest in holistic and consciousness-based medicine has been an on-going process, since his residency and fellowship years. In The Wisdom of Healing, Simon offers us a new model of health: a programme

Life Is A Mariner’s Compass


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Life is the most complex material fact. It shows chemical and physical properties of matter. It is so simple; it is also composite. Take, for instance, beach sand. It is nothing, but silicon dioxide — the core of your personal computer. This does not mean that your gadget is a heap

Osteoporosis: The Silent Disorder: Part-1

what is Osteoporosis

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Osteoporosis is a bone disorder. It presents with the clinical portrait of a gradual decrease in the density of bones that weakens them and makes fractures possible. Bones, as you know, contain minerals, like calcium and phosphorus; they are essential to make bones hard and dense. The body requires an adequate

How To Right Write

How To Right Write

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Everybody can write — no two ways about it. Writing is meditation. Writing is therapeutic. It can heal emotional distress, moody blues, anxiety, among other things — and, elevate your life and also career. Don’t you write letters, mails, and/or ‘script’ your presentations? You do. You have it in you —

Healing With Colour: Part-2

Colour therapy

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Colour therapy has been shown to be ‘effective’ on the physical plane — because, colour impacts all of us. The therapy also has the ability to affect our deeper planes — at the psychological and spiritual levels. Since our well-being is not merely a physical concern, it is now not uncommon

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