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Job Test: Things To Do

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Think of a commonplace scenario. When a job interview has gone off well, one is often asked, pronto: “Would you mind having a psychological appraisal?” While it may be argued that there’s no better way to punching trepidation than asking job seekers to go through the motions of a psychological appraisal

10 Steps To Curb Sibling Fighting

Words: Dr Lyn O’GRADY  Fights between children serve an important purpose. It’s one way that children learn to resolve problems, and negotiating conflicts with each other also helps them to work out their place in the family. Some siblings get along more easily than others. This can depend on factors such as temperament and the way the family

Little Steps. Healthy Results

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR You don’t need to think in terms of a huge investment of time, energy, and an extended plan for good-for-your-body lifestyle changes. Simple, but important, health solutions don’t cost you anything. It is all a question of adding a banana to your morning bowl of cereal breakfast, keeping your car farther

CoQ10: The Biochemical Sparkplug

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN CoQ10 [Co-enzyme Q10], a naturally-occurring substance that our body produces, is more than a biochemical sparkplug. It is a nutraceutical found naturally in the body. It helps to convert food into energy. It is a powerful antioxidant. It tends to deplete as we age — especially after 40. So, one ought

Summer Treats

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Dawn Perry, a personal chef, cooking instructor and certified holistic health counsellor has put together a list of wonderful recipes that are filled with powerful nutraceuticals. Dawn was trained at the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. Each of the delicious

ADHD To Subtract: Part-2

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Psychologists suggest that parents should limit rather than eliminate their children’s TV watching and computer game play. One hour a day during the school week, and not more than two hours on weekends, would be a reasonable goal for TV watching. In addition, parents should, they suggest, eliminate violent programmes from

Feel Rich In Mind, Body & Spirit

Karan SHAH responds to ThinkWellness questionnaire: Your view on beauty? The argument is as old as time: whether beauty is subjective, or objective. Yet, the clichéd riposte is: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This does not relate to physical beauty, but something that is desirable and not necessarily perfect. We are obsessed

The Art & Science Of Integrated Healing

Dr D B NANDINI responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire:  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor? It was, to use a metaphor, my childhood dream, to be a doctor. This was also primarily because I always wanted to be that ‘go-to’ person who could provide relief to anyone suffering from pain. What made

Creativity: Love What You Do

Words: Jawahar NIDAMBOOR Though creativity isn’t a prerogative of supreme beings, the Homo sapiens is riding the wave of evolution, thanks to human ability and appetite for innovation, and the emergence of great machines, and harnessing of energies, which have transformed the face of Earth.  It’s a revelation.  Yet, one cannot be sure whether this

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