Case Of Angela

Words: Dr Julian JONAS Angela was a bubbly, sensitive and anxious eight-year-old whose parents first sought out homeopathic treatment for her about a year ago. A half-year earlier, she suddenly developed a throat clearing tic one evening while attending a children’s theatre programme. Over the next month, other tics, like eye blinking, mouth movements, high-pitched screams and

The Importance Of Constitutional Remedies

Words: Dr Kiel WASSILY [This old, yet up-to-the-minute, article has been republished for the benefit of professional homeopathic physicians, who may not have read it. This is one part; on the other, please do not relate to any gender bias, owing to the prevalent usage of ‘him,’ during Dr Kiel Wassily’s era, or time in

Nutrients For Asthma

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN When was the last time you heard the words nutrition and asthma in the same sentence? Probably never. Many physicians still think diet has no effect on asthma. Nothing could be further from the truth. A study from Saudi Arabia made headlines, because researchers discovered that junk-food-eating city kids had a

Preventative Medicine

Words: Dr Julian JONAS The outbreak of measles in California, USA, was reported with great alacrity in the mass media. This was a useful punctuation point for a campaign of the national medical and pharmaceutical industries to force multiple mandatory vaccinations nationwide as well as stigmatise those who withstood the pressure to participate. People are

Jack Of All Fruits

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 The jackfruit is a major tree-centric fruit in the world. It reaches 80lb in weight, close to 36 inch in length, and 20 inch in diameter. This oval fruit has a pale-green to dark-yellow rind when ripe. It is encased with short, sharp, hexagonal, fleshy spines. The interior consists of large, soft,

‘Eating’ Maladies

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR The classification of eating disorders is subject to inconsistency. The diverse frames of reference too ‘mirror’ beliefs about cause and pathology, no less, along with varied psychological underpinnings. Besides, what may have led to gender-related ‘apepsia hysterica’ in the early nineteenth century, has a new name today — anorexia nervosa. In

‘Know What You Think & Do’

Bearl D’SOUZA responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire. Your view on beauty?  Beauty is nothing, but your inner self — of how you perceive things in front of you, or your mind, and not just your eyes alone. Having peace deep within mirrors your beauty from the inside out. It also reflects not just your inner, but

‘Ayurveda: My Go-To Medicine’

Dr Ankur Kumar TANWAR responds to ThinkWellness360 questionnaire.  Why and how did you think of becoming a doctor? I always wanted to serve the needy, more so patients, from my childhood. My family would sometimes visit a government hospital, for treatment. I’d see people waiting for long hours, what with the number of doctors available

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