Dealing With Anxiety

Words: Dr Veronica ANDERSON Xanax, Valium, Ativan… These are just some of the many benzodiazepines conventional doctors prescribe to their patients who are suffering from the effects of stress and anxiety. Other times, they may blame the anxiety on a depressive disorder and prescribe Prozac, Cymbalta, or any of the other popular antidepressant. However, these


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Constipation defies precise definition. It usually implies a reduced stool frequency and the passage of hard small stools. It may also be considered, on empirical terms, as occurring when defaecation is inadequate and infrequent to cause the sufferer both discomfort and alarm, or induce recourse to self-medication, not to speak of

‘Let Go. Live A Good Life’

Alia BHATT on beauty, health, fitness and wellness. Your view on beauty?  I think of beauty as being representative of both substance and strength, also character, and the ability to work for important causes. As the poet John Keats said, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” This is what makes us all beautiful

The Ferrum Effect

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The analysis of a homeopathic remedy is always fascinating subject. It reveals a myriad of characteristics associated not only with the substance from which the remedy is derived, but also with the historical, mythological and astronomical framework, which many homeopathic remedies embody. Ferrum metallicum is an extremely good and interesting example.

A Case Of Pimpled Depression

Words: Dr Edward SHALTS Interestingly, homeopathic remedies may be helpful for literally thousands of symptoms. Natrum muriaticum, for example, is known to cure thousands of symptoms. ‘Provings’ done on healthy test subjects and the results of two hundred-plus years’ of experience of using this remedy to cure thousands of people revealed these symptoms, which are

Homeopathy Research: An Update

Words: Drs E Rachel ROBERTS, Angelina J MOSLEY, Alexander L TOURNIER The Homeopathy Research Institute [HRI] is a UK-based organisation, dedicated to generating and communicating high-quality research in homeopathy at the international level. HRI also aims to promote fairness and objectivity in how the evidence for homeopathy is used and evaluated, especially by those who

Move The Mountain Stalling Your Mind

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR No one is exempt from stress, difficulties, or adversities. Such pressures help us to learn and know ourselves. We evolve, or grow, to reach a new level from them. Yet, most of us like to play the role of a victim to perfection. We crave for sympathy and overstate things to

Breathe Well To De-Stress

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Hey — you look quite stressed out, don’t you? Take a few minutes off and try to spend some time focusing on your breath. Don’t think of anything else. You will feel better. This yoga type of breathing is to complete relaxation what music is to the mind. Simple premise. The quality

Ah, That Allergy Again

Words: Dr R J OENBRINK There are three different, also primary, classes of ‘bad’ reaction that are often called ‘allergic reactions.’ There are misconceptions too — which lead to confusion — so, it’s important to clarify a handful of things as to what’s what as it is. They can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening

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