Hurt Of The Matter


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR When we think of awareness, or conscious receptiveness, most of us go through a state of perplexity. As we become attentive to our emotions, we also think as if we are subject to a plethora of warped emotional feelings. It takes time to understand such feelings — more so, to figure

All About Super-Nutrients


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR You’d sure think what the buzzword about nutraceuticals is all about. Because, the expression seems to be doing the rounds, much more than its equally noted ‘corollary’ — functional foods. Here goes — Nutraceuticals are simply functional foods with specific health and medical benefits. They also refer to dietary supplements and/or

All About Hypnosis


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Call it hypnosis, therapeutic hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, the whole idea triggers a sense of wonder and puzzlement in most folks. It isn’t either. It is essentially a condition, where the mind accepts suggestions ‘sculpted’ by the therapist. Most clinical hypnotherapists prefer to call hypnosis ‘a state of heightened suggestibility,’ a state

The Eczema Dilemma


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Dermatitis is a broad expression. It covers different disorders, with one main presentation — a red, tickly rash. The term, eczema, is sometimes used for dermatitis. While some types of dermatitis affect only specific parts of the body, there are others that can present themselves anywhere. Some forms of dermatitis have

Change With Change


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Change is a given. It is difficult to live if we don’t accept change. More so, because change is a constant. Change often comes to us without notice, or clue. But, it pays to be constantly prepared to deal with change… when change arrives… with change. It is a timeless aphorism.

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