Homeopathy For Today’s Needs

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV My way of working has significantly changed over what it had been in the first three decades of my practice. I began my homeopathic education by studying the classic texts: The Organon of Medicine by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica by Dr James Tyler

Of Headache & Acid Reflux

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Twenty-two-year-old GK consulted me, with his parents, for homeopathic treatment of constant headache, on his GP’s advice. His headache would start the moment he was out in the sun, or when any one irked him, or after eating sweets and potato chips. GK was also predisposed to having a queasy sensation;

Reach Out To Alleviate Loneliness

Words: Dr Lara B AKNIN, Dr Gillian SANDSTROM & Kristina CASTANETO Millions of Canadians are lonely. This is worrisome because loneliness, defined by the World Health Organization as “the social pain of not feeling connected,” predicts both lower mental and physical health. Research shows that lacking a sense of social connection can pose an equivalent health risk

The Roundup Controversy

Words: Consumer NOTICE.ORG Roundup, a widely-known herbicide, owes its potency to its active ingredient, glyphosate. This non-selective weed killer targets and eradicates most plants within days, or weeks, making it a staple in both large-scale agriculture and household gardening. Despite its widespread use, glyphosate has come under intense scrutiny for its potential health risks, particularly

The Long & Short Of Anger

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR We all know what anger is. We have all felt it, more or less, on a regular basis, whether as a definitive, or fleeting, embodiment of annoyance, or as full-fledged rage. Anger is, in précis, a normal phenomenon. It is also a healthy human emotion. It becomes a dilemma, a difficult-to-handle

Atmantan Wellness Centre: Holistic Effulgence

Atmantan, a truly transformative, internationally acclaimed wellness centre and clinic, resides atop a natural, also unique, crystal hill that lends subtly therapeutic, or healing, frequencies. Atmantan spans 42 acres of lush Sahyadri, overlooking the pristine Mulshi Lake, proximate to Pune. You’d resonate with Atmantan as the holistic amalgamation of the atma [soul], mana [mind] and

Caulophyllum For Childbirth

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE Caulophyllum thalictroides. Two big Latin words that are all about labour. Years ago, when I was a classical homeopath, I was trained to find the similimum — the one homeopathic medicine covering almost everything important in the case — and, use it once, or twice within a 24-hour period. And, that’s it.

Goodness Of Bananas

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 The banana is an elongated, curved, tropical fruit with a smooth outer skin that peels off easily when the fruit is ripe. Bananas are harvested while still green, but they may be ripened under controlled conditions before being delivered to the grocery store. Yellow bananas are fully ripe when the skin has

Ah, That Depression

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Depression is no pleasant feeling, much less an agreeable expression. It affects millions of people to varying degrees. It has a tendency, in a manner born, to ‘attack’ without a clear reason, albeit contemporary research supports the view that complex psychological, environmental and biochemical factors may trigger, or ‘engender,’ our initial

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