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Meditation: Good For You

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Our mind isn’t — quite simply — a metaphor. It is part of an extraordinary link that exists between psychology and biology: of mind and body, and of how they have been dexterously fabricated, by evolution, over the millennia. Having been once the basic nature of fairy tales, imagination, poetic licence,

What Makes Us Happy Is Surprising

Words: Lis KU Studies suggest people were leaving, or planning to, leave their employers in record numbers in 2021 — a ‘great resignation’ that appears to have been precipitated by these reflections. But, if we’re all reconsidering where and how work slots into our lives, what should we be aiming at? It’s easy to believe that if

You’re No Pressure Cooker

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON No one is immune to stress. It’s a universal human experience. You’ve undoubtedly heard that some stress can be ‘helpful,’ especially if it motivates you to make changes that improve your lifestyle and health. This is called eustress [the Greek prefix ‘eu,’ meaning ‘good’]. Some people even work best when

Care & Take Care

Words: Nelressa Stallings-FAYE Are you taking care of a home-bound, or sick individual? It is a commendable, selfless act to put others before ourselves. The sick and elderly who need support depend on caretakers for companionship and comfort in times of sickness. But, who takes care of the caregiver? Caregivers are extraordinary people placed in extraordinary situations to take

Working With Emotional Intelligence


Words: Paribha VASHIST Most of us think that being intelligent guarantees success in life. There is, ironically, a hazy ambiguity in the idea, yes, because it isn’t easy to define ‘intelligence’ and ‘success.’ When we talk of intelligence, it is generally keyed to intelligence quotient [IQ] — the ‘measured’ credo of our reasoning ability. However,

Make Resolutions Count

Make resolutions

Words: Jawahar NIDAMBOOR Make resolutions by all means, but make sure they are not always New Year resolutions… Well, that you’ve now made your resolve, or resolution — go ahead. This could be losing weight, giving up a bad habit, or streamlining things at home, or the workplace. Before you do anything, just check your

Change With Change


Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Change is a given. It is difficult to live if we don’t accept change. More so, because change is a constant. Change often comes to us without notice, or clue. But, it pays to be constantly prepared to deal with change… when change arrives… with change. It is a timeless aphorism.

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