From Great To Greater Expectations

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Most parents resort to using superlatives at the proverbial drop of a hat. “You’re great. The next Albert Einstein, ‘King’ Pele, Margaret Atwood, or Bill Gates,” as the case maybe. Or, it could just be the reverse, something parents often indulge in — to save time. Like helping your kid get

10 Steps To Curb Sibling Fighting

Words: Dr Lyn O’GRADY  Fights between children serve an important purpose. It’s one way that children learn to resolve problems, and negotiating conflicts with each other also helps them to work out their place in the family. Some siblings get along more easily than others. This can depend on factors such as temperament and the way the family

True Friendship

True Friendship

Words: Jawahar NIDAMBOOR When we practice affirmations, our mind and body understands the ‘you’ better, not so much the ‘I’ of things. “You will be strong” is often more effective than “I will be strong.” Our psyche takes this affirmed connotation more seriously. In like manner, there is something called neediness that propels us to

The Power Of 7


Words: Dr Gary W LEWANDOWSKI Jr New Year’s resolutions most commonly focus on eating healthier, exercising, losing weight and being a better person. Admirable goals, to be sure. But focusing on body and mind neglects something equally important: your romantic relationship. Couples with better marriages report higher well-being, and one study found that having a better romantic

Up Your Sensual Graph in 5 Steps


Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 For most people sensuality and sex are synonymous. They are not, although there may be a definite connection. The physical fizz depends on how you want it to be — a sensual lover, who brings one’s sensuality into the lovemaking process and also sex into the sensual experience and vice versa. It

A Friend. A Guru


Words: Jawahar NIDAMBOOR “There is nothing we like to see so much as the gleam of pleasure in a person’s eye when he feels that we have sympathised with him, understood him. At these moments something fine and spiritual passes between two friends. These are the moments worth living.” — Don Marquis “Don’t walk in front

Love: That’s All You Need

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 It goes without saying that too many people are scared stiff saying those three little words: “I love you.” Strange isn’t it? But, if you do — you’ll delight in the joy it brings to you and the recipient, and vice versa. You need to make a beginning. If you know someone

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