Of Grief & Bad Back

Words: Dr Joseph KELLERSTEIN Denise is a southern belle, if there ever was one. At least she sounds that way on the ’phone. That’s the nature of our relationship. We have not met in person. She has been seen by a good homeopathic practitioner locally who referred her because he was having trouble. This 69-year-old

Foot… Good As New

Words: Dr Joseph KELLERSTEIN Studying the homeopathic Materia Medica — the scientific compilation of remedial substances used in the practice of homeopathic medicine — can seem like spending time playing video games. You think you’re making it to the next level, but really it’s only a fantasy. Well, just get one severe case of infectious

‘Air In The Head’

Words: Dr Joseph KELLERSTEIN Elderly patients always seemed tricky regarding their reporting and response to treatment. Either I could not get a clear case, or there were so many aggravating factors that characterising the illness was difficult. Give them a remedy and when assessing the follow-up carefully there is either no clear response, or it

Tom’s Healing Trophy

Words: Dr Carleen JOHNSON David Tom, a forty-eight-year-old man, had had a head-on collision with an adult moose when he was returning home from work at 5:15pm on the evening of November 1 — a few years ago. The first passers-by found him unconscious and bleeding. He regained consciousness and became belligerent as the arriving

A Case Of Bedwetting

Words: Dr Ambika P NAYAK Nearly 99 per cent of normal, healthy children attain day-time bladder control by age five. However, about 20 per cent of boys and about 10 per cent of girls may as yet have nocturnal [night-time] incontinence, or bedwetting, at age 7. Statistics suggests that 1 per cent of boys and

A Case Of Giant Hives

Words: Dr Miranda CASTRO My friend Mary’s daughter called recently and said, “Help. My mom’s all swollen up, and she keeps saying she’ll be okay in the morning, but she’s been swollen for two days now and she isn’t okay at all. I’m very worried about her.” Mary was suffering from a terrible case of

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