Like The Paper Yacht

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Most of us have an uncanny knack for holding things back. From emotions to gadgets that we don’t use. We hold back even when we don’t want to — knowing fully well that we aren’t doing the right thing. You may call this ‘being stuck’ on the threshold of emotional release

Mind Sutra

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  We all go through life like waves over matter, or slow, measured upsurges — a form of precise, or inventive, transformation. This is part of our time and space continuum. It defines us and contextualises our existence — of who we are, as self-regulating, independent entities, with each of us being

Mind Your Heart

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Question: Heart disease seems to run in my family. Please let me know the basics and also what I can do to ‘prevent’ the disease, if possible. — S K, Bengaluru Answer: A host of risk factors plays a major role in the development of heart disease. For example: cigarette smoking,

Ah, The Misery Of Allergy

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Allergies can often be psychosomatic. There is an interesting story. A nineteenth-century US physician, Dr John Noland MacKenzie, MD, wrote how one of his patients, a 32-year old woman, experienced allergy symptoms when exposed to the odour of roses. Her symptoms included a violent cold with watery eyes and runny nose,

Know Your Attitude

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Every workplace has a whole host of policies and procedures. They are in place not because they ought to be there, but because they are formulated in a manner that the company deems fit — for its functioning and also for achieving its business objectives. First, and foremost, you should try

Common Cold

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR There are dozens of viruses that cause colds — the most common being rhinoviruses. Over 200 types of rhinoviruses are implicated in the causative mechanism of a cold. The worst part is — the nasal distress, caused by rhinoviruses, are more frequent in spring and fall, although they can instigate the

Kundalini: Elevated Awareness

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Kundalini, in its essence and practice, is called the ‘mother’ yoga. It incorporates the physical aspects of yoga, along with the mind and spirit, into an integrated system, or one whole, through which one can gain a better understanding of the mind-body connect. The word ‘Kundalini’ refers to awareness and manifestation

Cancer: Prevention Holds The Key

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR We all know that prevention of cancer is a top priority — not just for individuals, but also from the doctors’ point-of-view. To understand the idea we need to first begin with who gets cancer and how cancer probably starts, or originates. As we all know, molecular biology — which provides

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