Like The Paper Yacht

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR

Most of us have an uncanny knack for holding things back. From emotions to gadgets that we don’t use. We hold back even when we don’t want to — knowing fully well that we aren’t doing the right thing. You may call this ‘being stuck’ on the threshold of emotional release — this won’t make us lighter, or fulfilled.

We are all ‘glued’ and trapped in our past, not the present, or the future. We are also ‘conditioned’ to a great extent. We are simply reluctant to part. This includes our annoyance, reticence, criticism, and a host of other emotions, for which no one other than us can claim the rights. We are, in other words, owners of our thoughts, feelings, and even emotions. When they become a part of our being, we hold them too close to our chest, without allowing them to fade. We are not willing to take risks — we are comfortable with our emotions. Because, without the anchor of such feelings, we cannot move ahead — or, so we think? This is wrong. What’s more, it terrifies us when we feel unconnected to our earlier emotional state. We feel that it would cost us a lot, if we were to let go and transform our minds — especially in the absence of thoughts that were a part of us some time ago.

One ideal way of guiding our transformation to thrive is by freeing our piled-up emotional energy. We need to understand that ‘that’ unwanted emotion in our mind is being completed and purged from our mind. It isn’t easy; it is difficult. Because, most often than not, a finicky emotion is around us and within our psyche for so long that it feels like a part of us. This is deliciously fixed — or, magnificently comfortable. To begin with, you may not feel at ease, more so after having shed the shackles of that emotion. But, you will, sooner than later, feel light and serene.

When you let go, you feel relieved. In so doing, you will be able to reinvent yourself or understand your mind, body, and soul better. More so, when you manage to disentangle from your deep recesses the emotion that once defined your behaviour, or even your existence. Call it the fulsome weightlessness of being — one that astronomers experience in outer space. Philosophers call it the ‘open-minded state’ — the ground on which we are able to express ourselves, provided we realise and allow our expressions the freedom to act.

Think of your emotions as a paper yacht in a little puddle of water during monsoon. The paper yacht will move freely only when you let it go. Not when you tie a thread to it and hold the controls, as it were.  The same thing holds good for your emotions. It is only when your mind is willing to let go of them fully, will old emotions leave the comfort zone of staying put in the cocoon of your psyche.

You need to release your controls to be successful in letting go. You need to express your mind — and, give up the thought that you always wanted to purge, but could not. You need to be firm — not cling to the old emotion, because you feel insecure without its presence. Remember, once an emotion has fulfilled its purpose, there is no need to place it in the safe confines of your mind’s locker. Take in fresh new thoughts, allow them to expand — and, savour them in the present-moment. You’ll now begin to assess yourself. You’ll also ascend in the estimation of others, whose judgment you value.

Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR, PhD, is a wellness physician-writer-editor, independent researcher, critic, columnist, author and publisher. His published work includes hundreds of newspaper, magazine, web articles, essays, meditations, columns, and critiques on a host of subjects, eight books on natural health, two coffee table tomes and an encyclopaedic treatise on Indian philosophy. He is Chief Wellness Officer, Docco360 — a mobile health application/platform connecting patients with Ayurveda, homeopathic and Unani physicians, and nutrition therapists, among others, from the comfort of their home — and, Editor-in-Chief, ThinkWellness360.

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