The Alchemist Within

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR You don’t have to be a meditation buff to learn mindfulness. All you’d need to do is choose what you’d most likely fulfil in a given situation and learn by responding in the most ‘mindful’ manner. This would, thereafter, be your ‘cue’ to turn dull routines into rich experiences and identify

Migraine: Despot In The Head

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Headaches are as old as civilisation. Our ancients, perhaps, believed that certain spirits were to blame for headaches, including insanity and epilepsy [fits]. It is contended that William Harvey — the first physician to discover the function of the heart and circulation of blood — recommended trepanation, or the process of

Essential Parent-Theses

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR So you’d often thought that good parenting wasn’t a magic potion, DIY tool-kit, or how-to: something that could be obtained as an OTC item?  You are right.  Good parenting, in real terms, is not only a matter of practicality, common sense, sensitivity, and a few acquired skills, but also the modicum

From Great To Greater Expectations

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Most parents resort to using superlatives at the proverbial drop of a hat. “You’re great. The next Albert Einstein, ‘King’ Pele, Margaret Atwood, or Bill Gates,” as the case maybe. Or, it could just be the reverse, something parents often indulge in — to save time. Like helping your kid get

Trifles Teach Life’s Lessons

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Don’t sweat the small stuff is a common adage. Well, the fact is — small, or little, things upset us greatly. They also disturb our life’s tempo. This is, indeed, the cause of stress. Studies show that your heart reacts strongly to small, unexpected trifles of daily life. When you don’t

Medicine Of Experience

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR First things, first. Most people think that homeopathy is simple; some folks, likewise, think it is complex. It is best to recall the wise words of Sir John Weir, the great Scottish physician and homeopath — you’d have seen him portrayed in the award-winning Netflix series, Crown — to the British

Job Test: Things To Do

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Think of a commonplace scenario. When a job interview has gone off well, one is often asked, pronto: “Would you mind having a psychological appraisal?” While it may be argued that there’s no better way to punching trepidation than asking job seekers to go through the motions of a psychological appraisal

Little Steps. Healthy Results

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR You don’t need to think in terms of a huge investment of time, energy, and an extended plan for good-for-your-body lifestyle changes. Simple, but important, health solutions don’t cost you anything. It is all a question of adding a banana to your morning bowl of cereal breakfast, keeping your car farther

ADHD To Subtract: Part-2

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Psychologists suggest that parents should limit rather than eliminate their children’s TV watching and computer game play. One hour a day during the school week, and not more than two hours on weekends, would be a reasonable goal for TV watching. In addition, parents should, they suggest, eliminate violent programmes from

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