Mend It Right Now

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Question: I’ve read and heard a good deal about being mindful and how mindfulness can help us to achieve balance and calm in our day-to-day life. It all sounds good to me, but it is, I feel, a muddle; a simple thing being made too complex. It’d be a blessing it

Emote To Connote

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR We are our emotions and emotions are ‘us’ — one way, or the other. Our emotions make our behaviour and thoughts. The ‘trio’ represents a complex mechanism. The more emotional you are, there is less blood flow for your logical functions. Not more, as may be the popular opinion. This is

‘Firewall’ Medicine

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Homeopathy places a natural ‘firewall’ within our systems. It makes us better equipped to fend intruders, or beat them naturally, without the fear of unwanted ripple-, or side-effects, in our system. Homeopathy suggests that bacteria, or viruses, are not, in actuality, the only cause of disease, or illness. Such microorganisms actually

Yoga: Minding The Body, Bending The Mind


Words: Dr RAJGOPAL Nidamboor June 21: International Day of Yoga. Yoga, the ancient Indian form of health and well-being, is defined as a sense of balance. Yoga works on four planes: physical, physiological, psychological, and spiritual. When you practice yoga, you not only understand the lessons of the past, you will also be able to

Stress: Cause, Effect & Care

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Stress is a blurred response to the demands that life places on us. This is also how it builds up. In the course of time, it leads to stressful frustration — an indivisible component of modern life. Our day-to-day life too has its allocation of stresses: peer pressure, marital, financial and workplace

Pragmatic Medicine

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Homeopathy, to paraphrase one of its cardinal tenets, looks at symptoms as being the idiom, dialect, or language, in which the body, in illness, speaks to us. The body’s response, thus, gives us the cue that a struggle to externalise is on. This provides us with the ‘prompt’ that potential damage

Shyness: Nothing To Worry About

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR One had always thought of shyness as a behavioural anomaly. It may not be so, after all. According to Dr Ward K Swallow, PhD, a noted paediatric psychiatrist, shyness is not a disorder. It is also not a disability, or the cause for parental despair and societal intolerance. His raison d’etre?

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