Feeding Kids: The Budget Trap

Words: Drs Kimberley BAXTER & Rebecca BYRNE Feeding babies and toddlers can be challenging at the best of times. But when families can’t afford enough food, let alone the recommended range of different coloured vegetables, or iron-rich meats, it’s tougher still. In our recently published research, parents told us how much effort they put in to feeding children when there is little

Quantum Consciousness

Words: Andre ZIZI The reality of our daily observations is far deeper than the rabbit hole. People who are sceptical about what makes our potential infinite consciousness real, and of what we can create beyond our wildest imagination, need to take a deeper look at what quantum physics has to offer. Well, if you find

Nutrient Balance = Good Health

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Steve was the highly paid, highly acclaimed, highly stressed producer of a popular New York TV news programme. This pressure-cooker of a job granted Steve little sleep. He was constantly getting up early to make it to the studio before anyone else, so that he could organise the day’s show and

Severe Dengue

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV Dengue [break-bone fever], as WHO explains, is a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to people. It is more common in tropical and subtropical climates. Most people who get dengue will not have symptoms. But, for those who do, the most common symptoms are high fever, headache, body aches, nausea, and

Goodness Of Beetroot

The garden, or table, beet is the type most commonly grown for human consumption. Three common varieties are the Lutz salad leaf beet, the Detroit dark red beet, and the Chioggia beet, an Italian favourite with alternate red and white concentric rings. Yet another type of beet is the spinach, or leaf beet, grown not

Nausea & Vomiting

Words: Dr Narayan C Deshpande Our digestive physiology, as a standard textbook puts it, is the component of ‘nutriture’ that provides the substances necessary to support bioenergetics. That is, the role of the digestive process is to prepare and separate individual nutrients from the complex food matrix that enters the body. This process begins with

Nasya For Insomnia

Words: Drs Mohita BOHRA & Gyanendra D SHUKLA Anidra [insomnia] is a disorder characterised by difficulty in proper sleep and restlessness. In the condition patients fail to sleep, experience a feeling of tiredness and wake up early, etc. Fatigue, inability to focus, grogginess and irritability, etc., are major issues that persist with insomnia. According to

Future Medicine

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR There was a US Senate hearing, years ago, on alternative medicine practices — most of which were resented by the American Medical Association. Yet, some medical schools in the US began to include study courses on patients’ emotional issues, nutrition, and so on, while acknowledging that there was a certain mind-body

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