Chemical Dyes Can Detect Presence Of Homeopathic High Dilutions

Words: Drs Alexander L TOURNIER & Dr Rachel ROBERTS During the manufacture of homeopathic medicines, a starting solution containing the source substance, e.g., plant material, is subjected to multiple steps of dilution and ‘succussion’ [agitation]. This process, known as ‘potentisation,’ is considered to be key to the production of preparations which are biologically active, even

The EPI3-LASER Study For Homeopathy

Words: E R ROBERTS et al  Observational studies provide researchers, clinicians and patients with valuable, clinically relevant information on how a treatment performs in the real world. For homeopathy, there is a small, yet highly relevant, body of such evidence supporting the usefulness of homeopathic treatment, especially in Europe. Here we summarise the results of

Law Of Similars In Homeopathic Practice

Words: Dr Adolph LIPPE Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy, tells us, in the third aphorism of his Organon, that we must first discern what is to be cured in each individual case of sickness, that we must also discern the curative powers of each medicine, and if, furthermore, we have learned to

Homeopathy For Students & Physicians

Words: Dr Carroll DUNHAM In accordance with the homeopathic law, we select for the cure of each individual case of disease that remedy of which the pathogenetic effects are most similar to the symptoms of the case. In the process of making this selection we must pass in mental review the various drugs which compose

Gelsemium Effects ‘In Vitro:’ A Bridge Between Homeopathy & Molecular Biology

Words: Debora OLIOSO, Marta MARZOTTO, Clara BONAFINI & Paolo BELLAVITE Recent studies conducted in human/animal cells have suggested that homeopathic remedies may have an effect on the gene regulation, initiating a cascade of gene actions to correct the disorder, or disease, at the cellular level. We have focused our attention on the possible gene modulation

Traditional, Integrated Medicine: The Cultural Credo

Words: Dr Josephine AGU Many people seek complementary treatments for various ailments. Perhaps herbal remedies to cure a cold, or acupuncture to ease lower back pain. Complementary medicine refers to practices outside Western medicine, adopted from other cultures, and often used in high-income countries. But traditional medicine covers a range of practices and therapies indigenous to their

COVID-19 No Longer Emergency

Words: Dr Simon Nicholas WILLIAMS World Health Organisation [WHO] experts have officially declared that COVID-19 no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern [Pheic]. This coincides with the WHO’s new strategy to transition from an emergency response to longer-term sustained COVID-19 disease management. This may not change too much practically. COVID-19 will still have pandemic status, and countries

Mindsight: The Power To Be You

Hiren Kumar BOSE engages Dr Daniel J SIEGEL, PhD, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and author of Brainstorm, in an e-mail tête-à-tête, on the power and purpose of the teenage brain. HKB: What does brain science tell us about the teenage brain? DJS: The teenage brain is undergoing a period of ‘remodelling’ which consists of

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