Music Heals

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Q: I’ve been reading, also watching video clips, on how music can heal, or the healing power of music.  I’d appreciate it if you’d separate the chaff from the grain, or the beat from the raga, as it were, and help me get a better perspective, also understanding, on the exciting

Ear Infection In Children

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Question: My kid tends to suffer from frequent ear pain, or infection. I know of some of my relatives and friends’ kids being subject to such health issues too. Could you kindly let us know the basics of such problems and also how homeopathy can help? — B J, Nagpur

Curcumin For Viral Infections

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Q: I’ve been reading with great interest the medicinal value of turmeric and also using it to fighting viral and other infections. That I was hooked to turmeric during the COVID-19 pandemic is obvious. Could you kindly distil the glut of information available on turmeric and make it simple for readers

Homeopathy: For Conjugal Bliss

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Q: I’ve been told that homeopathy is safe and useful for erectile dysfunction [ED]. I’d appreciate it very much if you’d kindly advise. — LP, Kolkata Stress, tough work-life schedules, junk-food, sedentary habits and bioclocks gone ‘wide of the mark’ have led to a host of lifestyle diseases — big

Beyond The ‘Achoo’ Effect

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE Q: I’ve been always perplexed and fascinated with the universal expression called allergy. I tend to have allergic rhinitis [nasal allergy], or quite something like it, at least twice a year. My friends are no exceptions. Yet, I find the illness complex and confusing. Could you separate the chaff from

Shoes: Right Fit Matters

Words: Mukesh SHARMA Question: I’ve had foot and toe issues because of ill-fitting shoes. I’ve witnessed this spectacle of pain, among other things, with my friends too. Could you please let us know the types of problems that are common, primarily because of incorrect shoes, or footwear, and how to fix them? — JS, New

Kitchen Remedies For A-Z Ailments

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Question: We have all, especially in traditional families, heard about and also used several kitchen, or natural, remedies for common ailments, without knowing how to take them, including their actual application and benefits. It would be great if you’d sum up their ‘A-Z’ for us and your other readers. — JC, Kolkata

First-Aid For Bleeding In Accidents

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE Q: I was at a site when an unexpected, unfortunate accident happened. There were just a few people around and none of them, as luck would have it, knew ‘how-to’ about first-aid. It was, of course, providence that the victim was saved, when a good Samaritan, who’s driving a car,

Mend It Right Now

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Question: I’ve read and heard a good deal about being mindful and how mindfulness can help us to achieve balance and calm in our day-to-day life. It all sounds good to me, but it is, I feel, a muddle; a simple thing being made too complex. It’d be a blessing it

Homeopathy For Sinusitis

Homeopathy For Sinusitis

Words: Dr Naveen Kumar BOGGARAPU Question: Doctor, I’ve been diagnosed and treated for chronic sinusitis, for a couple of years, or more. Each time I am put on conventional medications, I feel all right, but the problem seems to only return often with a bang. A friend of mine told me that he got over

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