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Caulophyllum For Childbirth

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE Caulophyllum thalictroides. Two big Latin words that are all about labour. Years ago, when I was a classical homeopath, I was trained to find the similimum — the one homeopathic medicine covering almost everything important in the case — and, use it once, or twice within a 24-hour period. And, that’s it.

For Obstinacy

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The dictionary defines obstinacy “as persistently adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course; and, not yielding to reason, argument, or other means.” We have much to learn from the careful scrutiny of homeopathy which teaches us that labelling without careful analysis is misleading and limiting, and that ‘pigeonholing’ produces only a

Lifestyle Disorders

Words: Dr Devanshi THAKUR & Dr/Prof Amar BODHI  Lifestyle disorders are primarily based on the day-to-day habits of people. Of habits that distract people from activity and push them towards a sedentary routine, while triggering several health issues, including two major ‘headline grabbers,’ diabetes and high blood pressure — with near life-threatening consequences.  Causes   

Dealing With Anxiety

Words: Dr Veronica ANDERSON Xanax, Valium, Ativan… These are just some of the many benzodiazepines conventional doctors prescribe to their patients who are suffering from the effects of stress and anxiety. Other times, they may blame the anxiety on a depressive disorder and prescribe Prozac, Cymbalta, or any of the other popular antidepressant. However, these

Remedies For Fits

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathy provides a number of useful remedies to treat convulsions [fits]. As with all conditions treated by its remedies, success depends on the careful matching of the symptoms the remedies can produce in the ‘provings’ on healthy individuals to those of the individual presenting with the complaint. The following describes Stramonium,

Biorhythms & Sleep

Words: Dr Ronald D WHITMONT Classical homeopathic medicine [CHM], the use of a single, ‘similar’ homeopathic remedy for treatment, has a good track record in improving our overall health and reducing the dependence upon conventional medications. It helps our body balance and resolves underlying conditions. Numerous studies attest to the fact that such homeopathic treatment

Summer Woes

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Hot summer days, as the World Economic Forum articulates, are associated with a higher risk of a number of other conditions that are not typically thought to be heat-related, such as kidney problems, skin infections and pre-term birth among pregnant women. In fact, heatstroke, heat exhaustion and dehydration account for a

Acute Cough

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathy has proven its worth in a wide variety of illnesses, among them the prescription for acute coughs. As with all prescriptions, successful treatment depends on how ‘similar’ the chosen homeopathic remedy is to the symptoms exhibited by the patient. To illustrate this, 12 homeopathic remedies with their modalities and keynotes

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