Dealing With Anxiety

Words: Dr Veronica ANDERSON

Xanax, Valium, Ativan… These are just some of the many benzodiazepines conventional doctors prescribe to their patients who are suffering from the effects of stress and anxiety. Other times, they may blame the anxiety on a depressive disorder and prescribe Prozac, Cymbalta, or any of the other popular antidepressant. However, these psychoactive drugs have a multitude of side-effects; also, benzodiazepines, in particular, can quickly become habit-forming.

If you need relief from overwhelming anxiety problems, there are solutions that do not include changing your brain’s chemistry — they also have no negative side-effects. These include such things as engaging in chakra meditation, changing your diet to one prescribed by a holistic healer, and, of course, trying out safe and useful homeopathic remedies.

The Right Remedy For Your Specific Problem 

There is no denying that the pharmaceuticals, prescribed by conventional medical doctors, work. However, it is sometimes necessary to try 2-3 different medications before you find one that works well for you. This is because these medications treat stress and anxiety as a general problem. However, anxiety comes in several different forms and the symptoms experienced by different people will vary according to its cause and their personality types.

This is why homeopathic medications make for an interesting and effective alternative approach to treatment. A homeopathic doctor will analyse the type of anxiety you are experiencing, as well as the symptoms you are suffering from and they will prescribe a medication that will address your specific needs. There is a multitude of selections when it comes to homeopathic remedies for anxiety; some of the most commonly prescribed are Aconitum napellus, Argentum nitricum, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Ignatia amara.

Aconitum. This remedy is most useful for individuals/patients who suffer from panic attacks. This remedy is derived from monkshood, a plant in the buttercup family. We use it to treat a number of ailments — from symptoms related to colds and the flu to anxiety-related symptoms, such as fear, shock, and fright, not to speak of panic attacks, as already cited. Though its effects are short-lived, they are usually good enough to help the patient get through a panic attack and continue with their day. According to one study, this medication resulted in a 95 per cent success rate when used to treat children, suffering from post-operative panic attacks.

Argentum. This is ideal remedy for anxiety-related dizziness and stomach pain.  Argentum nitricum is derived from the extracts of silver nitrate crystals. Though a dangerous poison, on its own, silver nitrate, when diluted for homeopathic purposes, is a safe medication. For those who do not need it, it can cause feelings of dizziness, incoordination, and stomach upset. Based on the likes-treat-likes principal, it is used by homeopaths to treat people who, when faced with anxiety-producing situations, exhibit such symptoms. According to the editors at Homeopathy Plus, this medication works best when administered to people who are plagued by “What if?” thoughts, and who feel strong compulsions to act erratically in ways that can harm themselves, or others. It provides a calming effect and a sense of balance that minimises anxiety.

Gelsemium. This the right remedy for any inability to act due to anticipatory anxiety. The remedy is derived from yellow jasmine. The effects of the toxins of this plant are weakness and mental and/or physical paralysis. As these are similar to the symptoms of ‘this’ type of anxiety, this plant makes for the perfect homeopathic cure. If you are the sort of person who suffers from mental paralysis, or hot, or cold flashes, when faced with an anxiety-producing situation [such as the requirement to engage in public speaking], this homeopathic remedy is the right one for you. It alleviates the physical symptoms of anticipatory anxiety that, because, they are physically troubling and easily noticeable by others, may lead to additional anxiety.

Ignatia. This remedy is useful for hysterical behaviour and emotional trauma. Ignatia amara is derived from the seeds of the St Ignatius bean [Strychnos ignatii] tree. Homeopaths typically prescribe this remedy to patients who have experienced intense emotional trauma that leads them to panic attacks, irrational behaviour, and other signs of anxiety, usually attributed to post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]. While psychotherapy is a necessary part of treatment, Ignatia can help patients find relief from their symptoms. A study on mice showed that Ignatia is nearly as effective as habit-forming benzodiazepines at treating anxiety without affecting locomotion. Unlike benzodiazepines, however, it can be safely used for extended periods of time, which is often necessary in cases of emotional trauma.

In A Nutshell 

The homeopathic remedies I have listed above are not the only ones out there; they are merely the most commonly used. Some of the other remedies that you may be prescribed, subject to your ‘bespoke’ needs, include:

  • Arsenicum album — for individuals/patients who chronically fear loss of control and death
  • Coffea cruda — for individuals who are overly sensitive to sounds and pain, and also suffer from sleeplessness
  • Kali arsenicosum — for individuals who feel anxiety about their health and fear a heart attack
  • Kali phosphoricum — for people who feel overwhelmed, frightened and/or stressed
  • Lycopodium clavatum — for those who have anxiety stemming from lack of self-confidence
  • Natrum muriaticum — for anxiety-related chest pains
  • Phosphorus — for individuals who fear being alone.

The list of homeopathic remedies is extensive; hence, out of the broad scope of this article. Nonetheless, no matter how unique your anxiety-related symptoms may be, a professional homeopathic physician/practitioner will be able to ‘match you up’ with the most appropriate homeopathic remedy and also treatment.

Dr VERONICA ANDERSON, MD, is a medical intuitive, functional medicine practitioner and homeopath. She is also the author of the much-acclaimed book, But Now I See: A Medical Intuitive Surgeon’s Guide to the Meaning of Your Illness and How to Heal from Chronic and Incurable Disease. Dr Anderson first began her medical career as an eye surgeon; she moved ahead and she now has the distinction of being both a licenced physician and a practicing psychic. Aside from being a best-selling author, and much-sought-after speaker, Dr Anderson has also appeared on national TV. She lives in the US. Website: article [©Dr Veronica Anderson] is published with especial thanks to Dr Anderson.



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