Brooding Fixed

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Brooding: Sits, wrapped deep in thoughts; as if notices nothing. A person is besieged with ideas that give them no peace. It is a state of sycotic instability with respect to a problem, or something else. The homeopathic Materia Medica contains medicines, or remedies, that exhibit symptoms of what is called

Preventative Medicine

Words: Dr Julian JONAS The outbreak of measles in California, USA, was reported with great alacrity in the mass media. This was a useful punctuation point for a campaign of the national medical and pharmaceutical industries to force multiple mandatory vaccinations nationwide as well as stigmatise those who withstood the pressure to participate. People are

Know Your Remedies

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathic remedies can be derived from many diverse sources on and outside of our planet. We have medicines made from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, the imponderables created from sources, such as sunlight and moonlight, and remedies based from excretions of all kinds. Homeopathy addresses the total symptom-picture, which includes

Obstacles To Cure

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Patients today can be complex and complicated. No two individuals, or patients, share the same understanding and approach to health. Some patients are spiritually aware and understand that health is a continuum; others see health as a finite state. Some present with a basic understanding of homeopathy, while others are held

Homeopathy For Septicaemia

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Septicaemia, or blood poisoning, is a systemic infection in which pathogens are present in the bloodstream, having spread from an infection in any part of the body. Characteristically, septicaemia causes fever, chills, prostration, pain, headache, nausea and diarrhoea. Once diagnosed, it is customarily and vigorously treated with antibiotics. However, the symptom-picture

More Than Skin Deep

Words: Dr Pamela A PAPPAS Our skin is amazing. It’s flaunted, ogled, and tanned within an inch of its life. It’s our body’s largest and heaviest organ, but gets taken for granted until something goes wrong. Still, it releases toxins, keeps our innards warm, juicy and safe, and continuously renews itself. It even finds time

Colic & Diarrhoea In Babies

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Classical homeopathy, a highly successful and gentle method of healing, was founded over 200 years ago by the legendary German chemist and physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD. This alternative approach to the treatment of acute and chronic health problems is an energy-based therapy founded on the belief that dis-ease can be

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