Homeopathy: New Medicine

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Homeopathy is primarily based on the evidence of clinical practice, clinical observation and clinical outcomes — provided by way of treatment, clinical trials, or basic research, and laboratory studies. To state the obvious — most conventional medical scientists have relatively no interest in homeopathic clinical care. This is because homeopathy and

Gut Disorders: ‘Belly-Ho’

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Gastric disorders, in everyone’s language, are often referred to as tummy problems. Now, the clichéd question. Is the apprehension of heartburn, or indigestion, ‘killing’ your pleasure of eating? Watch out: it could be gastric trouble. Call it ‘heartburn,’ ‘dyspepsia’ or hyperacidity, or whatever, more than ten per cent of individuals who

ABC: Self-Help Made Simple

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Acne Acne — pimples in common phraseology — is a ‘universal’ inflammatory skin disorder. Apart from being a cosmetic glitch, acne represents a certain elevation in the body’s production of the sex hormones, especially at puberty. This stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum — the fatty oil that lubricates

Mend It Right Now

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Question: I’ve read and heard a good deal about being mindful and how mindfulness can help us to achieve balance and calm in our day-to-day life. It all sounds good to me, but it is, I feel, a muddle; a simple thing being made too complex. It’d be a blessing it

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