Swine Flu: Things To Do

Words: Dr Pankaj AGGARWAL

Swine flu, or swine influenza, is a respiratory disease caused by the type-A influenza virus [H1N1] strain. The virus  changes and mutates constantly in order to escape the immune system of the animal it infects [pigs]. It can infect the individual/patient’s respiratory tract, resulting in nasal secretions, barking cough, decreased appetite, and listless behaviour.

Swine flu is on a rise, with each passing day, just as the number of deaths due to this type of flu is increasing briskly. With conventional medicine failing to control the disease, we ought to think of alternatives.

Classical homeopathy is one top choice. It is a healing methodology based on the wisdom of treating a specific individual and their specific symptoms [including body, mind, emotions, and environment], as opposed to the conventional model, which focuses treatment on agreed-upon disease symptoms and averages.

Swine flu epidemics need to be treated in two parts:

  • Areas where there is fear of swine flu; the most important medicines in order of importance are Aconitum napellus, Arsenicum album, and Acid nitricum in higher potencies — from 1M onwards, in occasionally repeated doses
  • Where the disease is present in the area — one ought to follow the instructions according to the genus epidemicus [the homeopathic remedy most effective in a particular epidemic].

Homoeopathic Therapy Is Not Affected by Viral Mutations

Homeopathy does not depend on one drug, or feature particular drugs for treating any type of flu. Homeopathy is a healing method that was once mainstream medicine in the 19th century. Because different remedies and combinations and strengths are prescribed according to exact symptomatic readings, homoeopaths can successfully adapt treatments to handling viral mutations.

Homeopathic doctors treated the 1918 flu pandemic successfully. For historical references, it is best to refer to the thesis presented by Dr Manuel Mazari, MD, who obtained his medical degree at the Escuela Libre De Homeopatía De México — “A Short Study of the Last Influenza Epidemic in Mexico City [1918],” as well as reports published by the Ministry of Health, news published in the media, and clinical cases recorded by homeopathic physicians.

Not surprisingly, the symptoms of the 1918 flu and the so-called `swine flu` of 2009, as well as 2015 swine flu are amazingly similar. Two additional symptoms, one of which is the emotional aspect, a part of homoeopathic diagnosis, are noted by this study: “fear of death” and “high fever” at the onset of the infection.

Mainstream medical literature, and sources, conclude: “That this H1N1 influenza virus was the causative agent of the influenza epidemics in 1918-1919, 1933-1935, 1946-1947, and 1977-1978.”

The basic purpose of the Mexican homoeopaths’ study was to identify common symptoms of the 2009 swine flu in order to outline a specific homeopathic-based prevention and treatment model that could be used by homeopathic doctors around the world.

Recommendations: Prevention & Control Of H1N1

For every infectious disease to cure as well as not to carry it to another generation, a homeopathic protocol is designed. This can eradicate the illness, or disease, in question.

During any epidemic, one must follow certain general hygiene habits too — this can prevent them from falling a ‘victim’ to such deadly diseases. One must follow guidelines religiously as a safety guard against any epidemic.

  • Hand washing after coughing and sneezing
  • Wear mask — when you go out
  • Cover the mouth with a disposable handkerchief when coughing, or sneezing
  • If there is no handkerchief available, the inner side of the elbow could be used
  • Avoid crowded places
  • Avoid greeting ill-persons by handshake, or kissing
  • Avoid spitting on the ground and other surfaces
  • Dispose handkerchiefs in closed plastic bags
  • Don’t share glasses, plates, cutlery, food, or drinks
  • Ventilate your working place and house and permit sun to enter
  • Drink lots of fluids and eat foods rich in vitamin C
  • Avoid sudden change of temperature
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Follow the recommendations as given by your physician, and don’t self-medicate.

Homeopathy is nothing but immunological therapy which is clinically and individual-based. Its only effect and side-effect is restoration of health and prevention of disease. Homeopathy is humanistic medicine and homoeopaths around the world have been working towards the eradication of disease with diligence. India is the superpower of homeopathy — always working towards a disease-free society. Let’s aim at making India a swine flu-free country through homeopathy.

Dr PANKAJ AGGARWAL, DHMS, Dip NIH, MD [Hom], PhD [Hom], is a senior homeopath and academician. He lives in New Delhi, India.

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