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Healthy Living Made Simple

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 It goes without saying that healthy living is not rocket science. It is all in your hands — here’s how you can make the best of it. Everyday. Exercise. It goes without saying that exercise benefits for the skin are immense. Exercise helps maintain a clear circulation; it also calms the nerves

How To Be Emotionally Present At Work When You Have Real Stuff Going On At Home

Words: Eileen Hoenigman MEYER We all go through hard times. Whether it’s managing an illness, supporting a sick family member, going through a divorce, aiding a struggling child, or dealing with a job loss in the family, weathering a crisis is an emotional and logistical undertaking. Most of us have to work during these difficult

Stop Aging. Smartly

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 The physically fit look good and feel good, because exercise helps pump-in more oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Exercise not only slows down aging, it also helps extend your life, improve your appearance, self-confidence, and your overall figure. It goes without saying that exercise benefits for the skin are immense. Exercise

Self-Help Books: Can They Help?

Dr Amber GWYNNE For millions of readers around the world, self-help books offer a discreet, affordable way to access an array of psychological insights and therapeutic techniques. Take a moment to browse your local bookshop, or department store, and you’ll find books addressing everything from shyness and burnout to worry, weight loss and ‘the common cold of

Swine Flu: The First Step Is Prevention

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 For the deadly swine flu, there is just one answer — an ounce of prevention is tantamount to a pound of ‘cure.’ Also, remember — the simplest of preventative measures and medicines are, sometimes, the best of cures… You’d take the homoeopathic Influenzinum. Oscillococcinum is another useful remedy. Dosage: as advised by

Ah, That Allergy Again

Words: Dr R J OENBRINK There are three different, also primary, classes of ‘bad’ reaction that are often called ‘allergic reactions.’ There are misconceptions too — which lead to confusion — so, it’s important to clarify a handful of things as to what’s what as it is. They can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening

Creativity: Just Think It Through

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Creativity is the state, or quality, of being creative. It does not necessarily mean anything that is absolutely new. All you need to do is just think it through. Creativity is also a process of finding new ways to combining old ideas — moulding, manoeuvring, and synthesising them with purpose. In

Dealing With ADHD

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR There is substantial evidence to support the view that TV viewing can promote aggressiveness in children. Yet, by way of a paradox, TV viewing may also be beneficial. TV and computer/video games connect children to society, and to deprive your child of access to what other children are engaged in, puts

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