The Physics Of Romance

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR It’s Valentine Day. Yet again. The philosopher Socrates articulated that love is not lacking in anything — it is much more than approximation, also proximal to yearning and, therefore, not fixated with itself. He expressed, no less, that love does not possess, notwithstanding its plethora of beautiful things, including wisdom, and

‘Law’ of Attraction

Words: Dr Jennifer CROYLE Friendship and love, and more broadly, the relationships that people cultivate in their lives, are some of the most valuable treasures a person can own. This module explores ways in which we try to understand how friendships form, what attracts one person to another, and how love develops. It also explores

All About Fidgeting

Words: Harriet DEMPSEY-JONES Children do it, but so do adults. Researchers have some theories on why we fidget. Hand-held toys known as ‘fidget spinners’ — marketed as ‘stress relievers’ — have become so popular and distracting in classrooms that they are now being banned in many schools. And it’s not just kids who like to fidget.

The Art Of Mindful Parenting

Words: Sharon GARRO When you instil mindfulness to the challenges of children it can help parents to better enjoy the precious early years. Parents can struggle to enjoy the present. Children fill parental minds with lists of things to do and challenges to overcome. Many mums and dads struggle to enjoy the moment they are

Adolescents & Social Media

Words: Dr Michael CARR-GREGG  Social media can offer many benefits to adolescents, connecting them with friends. We often hear, or read, about the dangers of young people logging on to social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, and other online spaces where they can socially interact, including YouTube, virtual worlds and gaming

From Great To Greater Expectations

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR  Most parents resort to using superlatives at the proverbial drop of a hat. “You’re great. The next Albert Einstein, ‘King’ Pele, Margaret Atwood, or Bill Gates,” as the case maybe. Or, it could just be the reverse, something parents often indulge in — to save time. Like helping your kid get

10 Steps To Curb Sibling Fighting

Words: Dr Lyn O’GRADY  Fights between children serve an important purpose. It’s one way that children learn to resolve problems, and negotiating conflicts with each other also helps them to work out their place in the family. Some siblings get along more easily than others. This can depend on factors such as temperament and the way the family

True Friendship

True Friendship

Words: Jawahar NIDAMBOOR When we practice affirmations, our mind and body understands the ‘you’ better, not so much the ‘I’ of things. “You will be strong” is often more effective than “I will be strong.” Our psyche takes this affirmed connotation more seriously. In like manner, there is something called neediness that propels us to

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