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Prescription Rules

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, the idea that a substance which can produce a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can, likewise, cure these same symptoms in illness. This process of matching symptom-pictures is the cornerstone of homeopathy and it is described through the phrase ‘Like

Anger & Homeopathy: The Storm Calmed

 Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG Anger has many faces — homeopathy offers a variety of ‘angry’ remedies to manage it. In my first consultation I find out how my patients deal with anger. Most of them feel it, but do not have enough energy to express it; others tell me about the violent tantrums that surface

Homeopathy For COVID-19 Lockdowns

Words: Dr Barbara ETCOVITCH The past two years have been a wild, agonising ride for everyone. Across the globe, in addition to prolonged episodes of physical illness, people have been faced with long periods of separation, loneliness and loss as the result of an invisible enemy that has been ‘used’ to create fear too. We

The Significance of Susceptibility

Words: Dr Deborah OLENEV The question of susceptibility is central to homeopathy. In Western medicine susceptibility is not a concept that is discussed much. Experts may attribute the various types of responses people have to viruses as dependent on viral load, genetics, pre-existing conditions, age or some other cause, but the word susceptibility does not

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