Anger & Homeopathy: The Storm Calmed

 Words: Dr Christine LASCHKOLNIG

Anger has many faces — homeopathy offers a variety of ‘angry’ remedies to manage it.

In my first consultation I find out how my patients deal with anger. Most of them feel it, but do not have enough energy to express it; others tell me about the violent tantrums that surface within and outside of their environment. Anger, in children, finds a strong physical expression — they throw themselves on the floor, bend backwards, cry, and are often not approachable.

A tantrum is in many cases only the tip of the iceberg. Many small and large issues have been bottled-up; the outburst happens with the slightest perceived offence.

The rage, according to the patient’s temperament, is imposed on people around them in its full intensity, or in a more controlled manner on the opponent.

An outburst of anger — like high fever — requires a lot of energy. Only powerful people with a high energy level are able to violently express their feelings and anger.

We often leave it to children to act out the anger and frustration that is more or less tangible in the air. They stress and strain us, and bring us in touch with our own limits. However, anger is only an expression of fear and helplessness — tantrums are mostly just a disguise of vulnerability and insecurity.

Homeopathic Remedy Examples

Anger with a red face, expressed in an uncontrolled manner —

Tarentula Hispanica 

Tarentula hispanica is made of the tarentula spider that is found mostly in Italy and Spain.

It is a constitutional homeopathic remedy that is primarily used for children, especially hyperactive, or attention-deficit hyperactive deficit, types. The Tarentula state is characterised by restlessness and agitation. The muscles are tense, trembling, and cramped. These children have to move and run around like they have been bitten by a tarentula. They are overly sensitive; loud colours and light have a tantalising effect on them. They can develop hallucinations, see ghosts and strange faces, and suffer from nightmares. They tend to have uninhibited and wild temper tantrums. Their behaviour is accordingly aggressive and violent — the children hit themselves, or others, throw things, and destroy everything that they can get their hands on. Their moods swing between despair and violent outbursts of emotion.

Tarentula children react instinctively to music — they have rhythm. Wild dancing, or tapping, to rhythmic music improves body perception, just as it soothes the ‘wired’ tension in their muscles.


Belladonna children are also violent and wild: like their fever that can lead to fever cramps. They are ‘angels and demons’ in one person; angels when they are fine, and demons when they are ill, tearing apart whatever stands in their way, spitting and biting, beating their mother and pulling her hair too.

They cry, scream and jump about.

Their fantasies often play tricks on them; they see monsters and ghosts that terrify them and which they can only cope with through an outward expression that mimics the horrific internal visions.

They tend to project their internally perceived danger onto animals: they see dogs as predators, so it is no wonder they are scared of them. In an acute Belladonna state, they are not approachable, or amenable, to anything.

Now, for anger with a pale face, expressed in a controlled manner —

Nux Vomica 

Nux vomica types are full of anger and rage. Their environment often suffers under their repelling and offensive behaviour — critically dredging up any mistake.

Like the slightest draft causes a cold, the slightest objection, or dissent, causes an outburst of anger. Minute ailments render them nervous and irritable, and they hardly can bear pain. With their oversensitivity to all external influences, they react impatiently and spitefully to minor disturbances. The anger seems to be out of control when it arises, but it is checked if they have the feeling that expressing it may demonstrate weakness. Above all, when their anger is directed towards authoritative figures, they perceive any emotional expression as a deficiency and, therefore, suppress it. Their body responds with digestive disorders and constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

Nux vomica types are well-hidden from the external world, so fear and panic underlie their anger. At night, the slightest noise startles them, fear of failure at work makes them break out into a sweat, and the thought of disease and death makes their heart race.

Healing Process

Case Study 1:

Before Treatment. “I am an absolutely healthy person — as long as they leave me alone. It makes my skin crawl when I meet my brother-in-law. It turns me inside out — I really loathe him. He is too stupid for me. I don’t like that kind of people. They are so tiring. I explode in anger, get bright red — then withdraw out of reach. I get stubborn and don’t talk anymore. If anybody starts to tell the untruth, I cut them down to size. I want to leave — for weeks, or even for months.”

Physical symptoms: Varices, allergic asthma, allergy. Skin: red, rough, coarse, knotty, weeping and itching.

After.  “I am now more calm and serene. I no longer suffer so much from my ailments. Occasionally, they are even gone. I am extremely confident and happy that somebody lends me an ear. I do away with my past, and don’t take things that seriously. At a party I laughed so much that everybody said I have changed. I walk underneath a huge shield. I feel like I am on another planet — everything bounces back; nobody can get to me. I keep people who I cannot stand at a distance. I have as much vigour as a boxer in the ring. I’ve never before had the power and courage to act against my brother-in-law. I am surprised at myself — I don’t know what has happened to me. I prefer to tell somebody the truth on their face and say my bit rather than always sneaking about. I notice increasingly that I have become healthier and more cheerful. I no longer get angry and I feel distinctively better than last year.”

Physical symptoms: “I can walk faster than before, can even run up stairs — I wasn’t able to do that before.”

The skin has healed. 

Case Study 2 

Before TreatmentBurnout. “I had to learn to draw the line. I thought I had to be there for everybody, and I am overworked. I bottle up everything. It’s always too late when I lose my temper, and I say what I think in a rage. I am insulting, and have to apologise afterwards. I am stubborn — it has to be ‘my way.’ I feel like a tree that has no roots and can’t stand-up any longer — I am scared I might fall over. I feel a great void inside of me.”

Physical symptoms: “In the morning, I am totally exhausted. I have hot flushes; I wake up at night with feelings of constriction.”

After. “I am much better; in the morning I can get up, and am much easier. My attitude towards life has improved. I want to take action and attend courses on further education. Life has become the most important thing. I have a lot of energy — I am like a bubbling spring full of life. Now, I have roots and a firm resolve and position.” 

Case Study 3 

Before Treatment. “I am the black sheep of my family. I don’t care what others think of me. I want to live — act, see, hear, grasp and seize. I like to meet new people. My parents did not share any interest in my work. They are not able to take me as I really am. I have to argue out conflicts. I can’t bear unsolved problems — I have to discuss them right away. I feel as solid as a rooted tree, nothing can knock me over. I am able to accomplish everything. I am better than most; I have the feeling of being invincible.” 

Physical symptoms: Lack of appetite, nausea after each meal; itchy and flaky scalp; asthma in cold, damp weather.

After. “The remedy went straight into my ’emotional bottlenecks.’ Suddenly, I had a [very] thin skin. I felt vulnerable and sensitive. My self-confidence got scratched. I realised that I am no Superwoman. This feeling of weakness bothers me and spins around in my head. I realised that many things are too much for me. I could talk to my parents like never before. I no longer feel alone, not so much an individual — more part of something, and that sharing is enriching. I am more stable now, with my feet on the ground. There were deep conflicts with my partner.” 

Physical symptoms: “The nausea was suddenly gone; I can digest everything.” 

The skin shows improvement.

Dr CHRISTINE LASCHKOLNIG, MD, grew up in Völkermarkt, a little town in Carinthia, Austria. She started her second-chance education by attending evening classes in Berlin, where she passed her Abitur, the German matriculation exam. Next, she studied medicine in Vienna with the firm intention of devoting herself to alternative methods of healing. In 1984, while she was still studying, she started to work under the guidance of Professor Dr Mathias Dorcsi — the founder of the Viennese School of Homeopathy — at the hospital in Lainz [Vienna]. For five years she attended the qualification seminars for homeopathy in Baden, near Vienna, following which she continued her homeopathic studies with renowned homeopathic teachers in the US and elsewhere. Website:

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