Love: That’s All You Need


It goes without saying that too many people are scared stiff saying those three little words: “I love you.” Strange isn’t it? But, if you do — you’ll delight in the joy it brings to you and the recipient, and vice versa.

You need to make a beginning. If you know someone in your life, who you love, but have found It difficult to express, try to break yourself from the shackles. Just pick up the ‘phone, for example, call and tell the person what you want, or wish to. Simple, but it isn’t — most often.

You’d do the same thing to your parent, spouse, sibling or friend, and express those powerful and prized three little words. Try to imagine how you will feel just by saying it, and how it makes the other person feel just as much touched — deeply.

If John Lennon and Paul McCartney used the idea with magical effect — All You Need Is Love — in one of their immortal Beatles’ songs, you could just use their thought in your own way. You’ll sure make the world smile with you, not at you.

It’s straightforward enough. Love is a wonderful human feeling, or tonic. It brings happiness to your sense of being. It fills your heart with joy; it brings you emotionally closer to the object of your love, or affection. Isn’t it easy to tell someone you love as and when you feel like so doing — you would not only brighten your day, but also bring sunshine into their hearts and lives too, every day.

Telling people, especially your love, that you love them should be a part of daily life. It expands your horizons and brings great cheer to your heart, mind, and soul, and the love of your life too. There cannot be a better medicine that has so much in it to make the heart go aflutter into the true joyride of a lifetime, every now and then, than the expression of love.

You have oft heard of the expression — love is in the air. There is little in life that is more exciting than being in the thick of love. It does not matter whether you are 20, or 40+ — any blossoming relationship, or cemented relationship, can be extremely elevating and exciting. Love simply can consume you — at any age.

There may be times when you feel that your love-life is in the seventh heaven of its existence — there may also be times when you think whether you are really compatible, or how you’d get into the next step, or have some fear about not being perfect. Nobody is perfect. Yet, it is only natural for anyone to think, or not to think, of their possible flaws.

The best thing to do is to keep your own standards high, but, at the same time, be realistic. If you are on a date for the first time, or dating after a divorce, for instance, you need to realise that not every date, or relationship, can bring home the happiness you’ve longed for.

Also, be realistic about the status of your new dating situation, if you’ve been in one earlier and lost it for whatever reason. Take the relationship ahead, one step at a time. First, try to become friends; also try to be non-judgmental. Be honest to yourself — it’s only when you are honest to yourself can you be honest to your date, or love.

No denying the fact that first dates, for instance, can be terrifying; so also after the kids start growing up. It can disturb your rhythm; it can come in the way of the other person really getting to know you — not as a person they know, but as a person they did not know yet.

So, don’t be irrational, even in the worst of times — you need to be tolerant — because, you, or any other person, would like to be treated with respect and dignity. The maxim is: treat others the way you’d like to be treated.

This will speak greatly about your character and persona, much better than anything else. Bear in mind — when you do this to just about everyone — from your colleagues to your boss — there is no reason why you cannot be as polite to your love, and loved ones, who are watching you just as well.

Love is fun and exciting. It opens up new adventures, and a new possibility, at every step of the way. All you need to do is — go with the flow to glow with love’s many delights.

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