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The How-To & Dosage Of Homeopathic Medicines

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Q: I’ve been taking homeopathic medicines for a long time; it’s our family medicine. Everyone has their way of taking them — what would be the ‘best’ mode of taking them, along with the right dosage? — GK, Kollam A: Homeopathic remedies, or medicines, are, most often, given in pills form, to

Homeopathy: Preventing Mosquito Bites

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE  Q: My friends tell me, and also believe, that a homeopathic remedy is helpful to keep the dreaded mosquito and its bite away. I am sceptical about it. My apparent question is: is there any truth in it?  — RG, Shillong A: Insult to injury. There’s no better way to describe

Best Foods For The Mind

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360  Q: What are the best foods for the mind, or mental well-being, especially in our troubled times? I’d appreciate your guidance. — JRK, Lucknow Meat, fruits, and vegetables — studies have suggested that these foods have the potential to boost mood and mental health. But, which are best? Well, according to new

Drink Water Only When Thirsty

Words: Team THINKWELLNESS360 Q: I find it hugely confusing — what quantity, or just how much, water to drink on a daily basis. Please help me cut the confusion, or clutter.  — YK, Puducherry A: Popular notion ‘holds’ that eight glasses of water is the optimal amount to drink each day, but many people find

The MSM Advantage

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR Q: A friend of mine has been taking nutritional supplements for his joint and allied issues. He avers that they have helped him greatly. He suggested MSM for me — to addressing my wrist-related issue, or carpal tunnel syndrome. Please fill me with what’s MSM all about — to help me

Dealing With Pollution

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON  Q: ‘Pollution, pollution everywhere,’ but what to do is a big question today. Please suggest a few simple, also useful, measures that could help us all best. — NM, New Delhi A: The most immediate effects from indoor air pollutants may show up after a single exposure, or repeated exposures

When You Feel Like You’re Freaking

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE Q: I sometimes feel that I may freak out. Add to that my anxiety, or apprehension, and you have a classical case — of ‘me’ waking up at the middle of the night. Please suggest a homeopathic remedy that can work for me. — LJB, Bhubaneswar A: Certain homeopathic medicines have

Breast Pain: When Even Hugs Hurt

Words: Dr Joette CALABRESE  Q: This is a woman-to-woman thing. Many of us would have at times avoided a nice, warm hug from a loved one, simply because our breasts were too tender — the diagnosis being mastalgia. Please let us know how homeopathy can help us to treat the problem — safely and gently. 

Homeopathy: Pioneering Facts

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE Q: My homeopathic doctor often tells me that homeopathy pioneered a host of ideas that are in vogue today and also celebrated for their wisdom. Could you please elaborate — with a few examples? — JK, New Delhi A: Homeopathy pioneered the research and treatment of allergies — to highlight

Homeopathy: Two Queries

Words: Dr Narayan C DESHPANDE  Q: Can homeopathic treatments be used alongside allopathic treatment; also, can we use homeopathy to self-treat at home?  — JR, Bhubaneswar  A: The old, or traditional homeopathic, view was they should not be used together, because homeopathy believes in the theory of suppression — through the use of certain conventional,

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