Balance Your Diet

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Many news journalists will tell you that their job is their life. Hopping from story to story, from scandal to scoop, leaves little time for romance, or family — not to mention eating, or sleeping. Steve was the highly paid, highly acclaimed, highly stressed producer of a popular New York TV

Peanut Allergy

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Why are food allergies and particularly peanut allergy on the rise? Researchers have been trying to understand why peanut allergies are on the ascendance and their exact causes are still mysterious. Studies show that the possible factors for food allergies, specifically peanuts, may include foods being introduced too early in life,

Preventing Eye Disease

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Recent medical research indicates that specific antioxidants, such as lutein, can lower the risk of eye disease, and prevent macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma from occurring. Macular degeneration is a process that obstructs vision by damaging the fragile capillaries in the eye. It is the leading cause of blindness among people

Up Your Immune Defence

Words: Dr Ryan N HARRISON  When most people think of the term ‘health,’ they relate it to how well they are feeling, whether or not they are sick, or how quickly they recover from the ‘bugs’ that get passed around between friends, family, and co-workers. Each of these aspects is connected, of course, to the

Nutrition = Medicine

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Much research is being conducted on the value of nutritional and preventative medicine, giving us new insights into the body’s innate healing abilities, as well as ways to build up and create natural defences to ward off illness. We are learning how vitamins co-operate with one another, and the way they

Go For Ginkgo Biloba

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Traditional Chinese medicine [TCM] considers the ginkgo leaf as one of its prized medicinal treasures. This tree dates back to the time of the dinosaurs and has been found among fossils over 200 million years old. Its ancestry makes it a mix of a fern and a modern-day tree. Today, there

NAC: Just Two Good

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN Free radicals. When I was in medical school, I rarely heard a word about them. Only a small group of ‘kooks’ would rave about the powers of vitamins and minerals. It wasn’t until my own struggles with asthma in the late 1980s that I began to appreciate the benefits of antioxidants;

Supplement Smartly

Words: Dr Richard FIRSHEIN  Natural supplements are being increasingly used to combat stress, anxiety and depression. They are useful all right, but they need to be taken with prudence and preferably under medical guidance.  St John’s Wort, or Hypericum perforatum, was among the first natural, herbal supplements to break into the mainstream market. It remains

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