Yoga: Minding The Body, Bending The Mind


Words: Dr RAJGOPAL Nidamboor June 21: International Day of Yoga. Yoga, the ancient Indian form of health and well-being, is defined as a sense of balance. Yoga works on four planes: physical, physiological, psychological, and spiritual. When you practice yoga, you not only understand the lessons of the past, you will also be able to

Weights: Train Hard & Smart


Words: Kerry DULIN When you begin a weight training programme you introduce new levels of stress to your body and muscles. Weight training actually damages muscle tissue. To compensate, our bodies initiate a healing process to not only repair the damaged tissue but to create new muscle fibre as well. It’s, at first, difficult. You

Kickboxing: Fun Way To Fitness

Words: Dr Rajgopal NIDAMBOOR You have been doing your exercise for improved, or better, cardiac health for a while, or for a long period of time. It is possible, therefore, that familiarity with your fitness routine may have brought in a dose of boredom into your regular exercise plan. You may have also asked yourself:

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