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The Gut Story

Words: Drs Maya A GANDHEA, Sagar Rajendra WAGH & Shruti Prakashrao DANDALE Ahara [food] is thought to be one of the pillars of life, because it controls physiology and keeps all body functions in synchronisation. Food as nutrition boosts the dhatus and provides numerous health benefits. The infamous pitta, possibly derived from food materials, is

Age Gracefully

Words: Dr B C JANA & Dr Ajay Kumar SRIVASTAVA The universal law of life states that anything that takes birth [utpatti] gets developed [vikas] and, in the end, ceases [laya]. Human beings are no exception to this law. Ayurveda is basically a health manual of mankind. It deals exclusively with protection of life, health,

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Words: Drs Amitabh SINGH, Shuchita SINGH & Shivani GARG Polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS] causes irregular periods. It affects a large number of women globally. The syndrome is marked by hyperandrogenism and menstrual irregularities, etc. The chronic types, when they are untreated, lead to infertility. PCOS is also associated with obesity, hirsutism, fat deposition, etc. Symptoms

Nature’s Detox & Panchakarma

Words: Drs Deepti L KAWALE & Sharad D TRIPATHI The balance of dosha, dhathu, agni and mala, which are all important factors in a person’s health, is described in great detail in Ayurveda. When atma, indriya, and manas are in synchrony, it improves our physical and mental well-being. To achieve a healthy bodily and mental

A New Perspective

Words: ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC Approximately 36 per cent of American adults use some form of complementary and alternative therapies. Are the experienced effects truly the herbs at play, individual genetics, or is it a placebo-effect, where the mind ‘cures’ the body out of anticipation of cure? In ancient cultures, knowledge of traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, was passed down

Nasya For Insomnia

Words: Drs Mohita BOHRA & Gyanendra D SHUKLA Anidra [insomnia] is a disorder characterised by difficulty in proper sleep and restlessness. In the condition patients fail to sleep, experience a feeling of tiredness and wake up early, etc. Fatigue, inability to focus, grogginess and irritability, etc., are major issues that persist with insomnia. According to

Comprehensive Healthcare

Words: Dr Sanjeev RASTOGI In the 1950s, the World Health Organisation [WHO], the apex organisation for global health, defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Indeed, there is considerable evidence, modern western medicine included, that suggests a strong link between physical

The Obesity Conundrum

Words: Drs Sidram GULED & Jyoti   Sthoulya [obesity] is not only a disease; it is a phenotype, a disease manifestation, that is difficult for management. Patients of COVID-19, with associated obesity, to pick a recent example, had higher rates of hospital admission, need for oxygen, more ICU admissions and higher rates of mortality. When

Natural Balance

Words: Dr Rituraj SARMA Ayurveda addresses our mind, body, and spirit, with a holistic purport. It emphasises eating right to bring oneself into balance, as also exercising, breathing fully, reducing stress, sleeping well, besides using allied, or fundamental, concepts to keeping our body whole, harmonious, balanced, and healthy. Food is medicine in Ayurveda tenets. Food

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